Thursday, May 26, 2011

6 Weeks of Grace

Weight: over 10 pounds (not completely sure how many ounces)
Height: will know exactly at 2 month check-up
Moods: Mostly happy..sometimes fussy :)
Favorite foods: milk, please!
Favorite toy: Cradle N Swing (infant swing)
Smile: almost...starting to respond to social cues
Favorite hobby: sleeping
Playtime: YES! Starting to hit/push toys hung above her head

These first six weeks have gone by soo fast...time flies when you are having fun! Grace has been such a blessing to Jimmy and I and we are beyond grateful. Normally Grace fusses when she is either hungry, has a dirty diaper, or when she is tired. Other than that, she is a very upbeat, happy, and loving little baby that I love to cuddle. One of the biggest blessings has been Grace's favorite hobby...sleep! She has been such a consistent sleeper which is sooo nice at night. Something I have been reading about is sleep in babies as I would like to eventually (in a few months) transition her into a good napping/sleeping schedule. I have learned that daytime sleep is JUST as important as night time sleep with infants and this has proven to be true. If Grace doesn't sleep well during her naps in the day time, it directly affects her going to bed at night.

Jimmy and I are so thankful for family and friends :) We are continuing to receive meals from people at our church and that has been SOO nice! My mother has been more than helpful to us as well. She has come to help out with miss Grace several times since she has been born and even watched Grace one time so Jimmy and I could have our first date out.

It's hard to believe that in two weeks Grace will be two months! I am cherishing each day with her (even when we have a rough patch here and there) and we are loving watching her grow so fast already.

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