Monday, November 21, 2011

One tooth up, many more to come!

Grace and her buddy Brooke

I was able to go watch Jimmy's team play in their last intramural championship game...they won!

Tigger and Pooh (well, it's Vivienne and Grace...but they could totally pull it off!)

Grace and Brooke again...they are 10 days apart :)

Already trying to be like daddy...

Happy 1st Halloween! It's Winnette the Pooh!

Big girl!

First family 5K...brrrr cold!

7 months young :)

Weight: n/a but definitely a chunk :)
Height: n/a (not doctor's appt. and we haven't measured her...I will for the next month)
Head: still large and in charge
Moods: SUPER happy girl. Teething made for a few fussy days, but we can't complain one bit!
Favorite foods: She is starting to like avocado, still loves bananas, pears, apples, we even tried a turkey dinner and she liked that too! Beets were NOT a hit...not even mixed in with regular potatoes...
Favorite new toys: Gerber puffs (not a toy but it occupys her like it is one), a rattle that was mine when I was a baby, and a metal tin for banging things
Noises: same babbles as before but she did say "mum" two times! She loves the dogs and says "doooo" or "goooo" when they are around haha. Grace has also discovered the range of her voicebox and shows that off by screaming at the top of her lungs just because she can :)
Favorite hobbies: jumping as high as possible in the jumper, eating, sleeping and going for runs in the stroller (first family 5K was this month...she fell asleep during it...)
Playtime: Still not interested in the tummy but VERY interested in standing up and holding onto things! She likes to scream while jumping in her jumper, play peek-a-boo, and is just super observant in general...the smallest things entertain her.
*Sleep habits: I have to add this section because I want to remember how good of a sleeper she was when she gets older! Grace goes to bed around 7 each night and sleeps straight through the night until 7 each morning! That is flexible some days and nights but we are SUPER blessed with a fantastic sleeper :) I will say that this was not consistent until 6 months...she started this pattern at 5 months but by 6 months it was much more consistent.
*Sign language: "MORE" is the sign Grace did for the first time this past month! Each time we eat I practice that sign with her and one day when she was eating some bananas, she did the sign all on her own! We weren't sure at first, but as more and more meals passed we noticed that she did know what she was doing :) Very proud mom and dad here!

I feel like I have already summarized Grace's 7th month of life above! Sooo much has changed about her and she is already doing many new things. The biggest change would probably be her having a tooth pop through! We had no issues with her waking up in pain or anything like that...I just went in to get her one morning, and happened to put my finger in her mouth and let's just say, it hurt! Grace has a second tooth coming in on the bottom now and that one has been a different story...more about that tooth to come in her baptism post...

As Thanksgiving approaches, Jimmy and I can't help but to be grateful about being new parents! So many holidays and special days are ahead of us and we want to be intentional about remembering those days to come. But instead of looking forward to those days or missing the past, we are grateful for the present time we have with Grace. Just tonight at dinner Jimmy and I were cracking up at her laugh! Grace was sitting in her booster seat eating some "mum mums" (baby rice cake type things) and we were eating dinner ourselves. Grace was crunching away on her snack as we were talking to each between conversations Jimmy and I would take turns "scaring" Grace. She likes for you to come out of nowhere and say, "BOO!". It makes her laugh that cute baby laugh which in turn makes Jimmy and I laugh just as hard. Babies are soo happy and carefree, aren't they? The smallest things make them happy and they really don't need much in life...funny how things change as we grow up.

We will continue to be grateful for our time with Grace and appreciate all of our family and friends this Thanksgiving month :)

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