Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Top 10 Favorite Things About Grace (in honor of her turning 10 months)

Weight: not sure right now
Height: about 27 inches still...she hasn't grown much in a month
Head: I'm thinking we are still safely in the 99th percentile
Moods: happy when walking, playing, eating, sleeping...not happy when sick :(  We had our first sickness this month and it was not fun!
Favorite foods: Asparagus is this month's new favorite food...guess we can't complain!
Favorite new toy: Her elmo doll my parents sent to her that talks and blows kisses...also her new walker/rider toy her Lulu gave her.
Sounds: "sssss" and other weird, but very entertaining sounds; she still immitates a lot
Favorite hobbies: Walking...she walked all the way down our hallway (15 steps!) on her own and then propped herself up against the wall.  Grace has great balance and can walk, stop, and walk again on her own without falling.
Playtime: Water bottles are fun to chew on this month...she likes to drink out of them like her mommy does.  Grace has more diverse playtimes now that she goes to daycare once a week and bible study daycare at church once a week.  It has been soo good for her!
Sleep habits: Nap #1: 9-10; Nap #2: 1-3 (wahoo!); Nighttime: 7-7.  On Valentine's Day she slept until 8 :)
Sign Language: Still just doing "more".  She likes to clap and watch me do other signs but hasn't done any others.
Teeth: Bottom: 3; Top: 4.  The third one on the bottom literally popped through when she turned 10 months.

Since Grace turned 10 months I felt like a "top 10" list of some sort was due...seems to suit the number 10.  Here is our "Top 10 Things we Love About Grace" list (in no specific order).

1. Her determined nature to let go of whatever she is holding onto and walk somewhere she wants to go.
2. The way she happily splashes in the bathtub.
3. Her love of food…especially asparagus (like mommy).
4. Her love of sleep (like daddy).
5. The smile she greets us with first thing in the morning when getting her out of her crib.
6. Cute babbles and sounds.
7. The way she says “dada” all day…every day…it’s okay, ”momma” will come J
8. Her contagious laugh…you can’t help but to laugh at her laughing.
9. How cute she is when she gets fussy tired (yes, fussy tired…all moms know what that is!)
10. That she is unique, unlike any other baby, and we are proud to call her our little gift from God.

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