Friday, January 18, 2013

Winston-Salem Blizzard

How many inches of snow does it take to make a blizzard in Winston-Salem?  A little over one.  It humors me how serious people get about snow around here, even for someone that grew up in Columbia, SC.  Grocery stores packed, salting roads, cancelling schools etc.  I will say I am thankful for the safety precautions so there are no complaints here.  Here is how we reacted to the incoming snow:

1. I did go to Wal-Mart to get some milk since we were low and surprisingly, in the morning, there was plenty :)  People weren't in freak out mode just yet.
2. Put chili in the crockpot for dinner
3. Had random bursts of excitement over the thought of snow throughout the day
4. Dinner with the Cloers followed by a game of Settlers of Catan (this is when the snow began!)
5. Movie time with homemade popcorn, hot chocolate and cider by the fire

I went to get Grace in the morning and the first thing she said was, "noman?" for snowman.  I think she picked it up from all of the Christmas books we read so her aunt Lulu made a mini snowman for her.  We had a TON of fun playing in the snow and even broke out the sled.  Daddy did have to go to work but his shift didn't start until 10 a.m. so we had some family snow time.

Beautiful snowy morning

It was really pretty in the trees

All three of our babies ancy to play in the snow

Daddy and Grace

Mommy and Grace...look at how excited she is about the snow this year!


Sledding...Grace and I sledded for a good 30 minutes.  Maybe that contributed to her long nap :)

Here's to hoping for another snow day!!

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