Saturday, August 10, 2013

27 Weeks

Correction: I am closer to 28 weeks in this picture.  Okay, I feel better putting that out there.  Oh second pregnancies... :)

Feeling: Pretty good despite some discomfort during workouts/running.  I had to stop running around 26 weeks because I would start getting some lower back pain and felt extra pressure than normal.  Fortunately a new side walk was installed on the busy road of my neighborhood so we have gone for lots of walks.  The elliptical at the gym is my new friend as cycle classes aren't working out for this pregnant belly much longer.
Looking: Ugh.  That's all.  
Eating: Normal for the most part.  Every now and then I indulge in a sweet but it still doesn't compare to pregnancy "Grace" haha.
Craving: Nothing in particular...maybe watermelon sometimes.
Trying: to prepare Grace for big sisterhood i.e. potty training :)  We tried a month ago and it didn't go well.  So, we took a break and she asked to "wear Minnie panties" one morning so I decided we would go for it.  As of day 2, she is doing fabulous!!  Grace has also helped organize Wesley's is a sneak peek:

Jimmy painted the room a light gray, we moved the crib, my mom bought the bedding and this side of the room is ready for baby boy!  We also have curtains and a cute lamp (thanks aunt Cindy!).  The guest bed (not pictured) is staying and the bedding matched our "theme" so I don't think we'll need to do anything but maybe get some colorful throw pillows.  Jimmy and I have an idea of something to put above the crib and my aunt has a special project in mind for the other large wall in the room.  Once all of that is up and the glider has new cushion covers (can't wait to see them!!) we will share our official "before" and "after" pictures!  Thanks to my hubby for putting a lot of painting hours in to make the room look awesome!

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