Thursday, November 7, 2013

Introducing Wesley Michael Turner

The night before the C-section!  We were all ready.
Meet Wesley, our newest addition to the Turner family :)  Now we are 4!

Born: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at 7:53 a.m.
Weight: 7 pounds 3 ounces
Length: 19 3/4 inches
This was Grace's first newborn picture...I had to include it for reference.

Born: Friday, April 15th, 2011
Weight: 8 pounds 1 ounce
Length: 21 inches

1st picture with Wesley...this was in the operating room RIGHT after he was born, hence my puffiness :)  On a scale of 1-10, how happy does Jimmy look?
Grace adored Wesley from the moment she met him.

Memere and Pepere with Wesley

Aunt Cindy; Uncle Linton was secretly video taping a surprise that was about to happen...

SURPRISE!  I'll write about it below, but my little brother, Jordan, flew in from California and surprised us all at the hospital.

Our little pumpkin

More cuteness

Welcome home and Happy Halloween! 

Think she loves him?

We sure do!

Birth Story
It was kind of odd to have a countdown to Wesley's birthday, as we scheduled a repeat C-section.  The day before Wesley's birth, we had a pre-op visit at the hospital, but it still didn't seem real.  My parents came up the night before to be with Grace so the morning of Wesley's birthday, Jimmy and I packed our stuff into the car, and headed to the hospital by 6:15 a.m.  I was hooked up to different machines, it seemed, and before I knew it, I was being wheeled into the operating room.  They hooked up my anesthesia meds and it didn't take long before the surgery began.  I felt no pain at all!!  I got nauseous a few times but other than that, I was completely aware and awake.  **I pushed for 4 hours before being wheeled into the OR for Grace's birth so I was definitely out of it and exhausted**  I heard everything going on in the OR for Wesley's birth...ESPECIALLY his cry for the first time.  That made Jimmy and I both cry tears of joy.  Again, I was out of it and Jimmy and to wake me up when Grace came out. 

We were all three taken to recovery, which is where things weren't fun for a bit.  The morphine that was given to me during surgery (which thankfully worked the whole time) wore off.  I kept feeling pretty badly, and they kept pumping more pain medicine into me but nothing was working.  I knew they had given me a lot of meds when Jimmy asked how man cc's were given to me and his reaction was shock.  By the time the pain medicine kicked in,  I was feeling just YUCK.  We were in recovery for over 4 hours...needless to say, we were ready to get to the room to see our family.

Once we were wheeled into our room, we were greeted by my parents, aunt and uncle, and Grace!  Grace was SUPER excited to meet Wesley.  Everyone had been very patient waiting on us.  We were getting ready to Skype with my brother, Jordan, who lives in California.  All of a sudden, the hospital door opened, and THERE HE WAS!  The sneaky boy had flown into Charlotte the night before where my aunt and uncle had picked him up.  Jordan stayed the night with them, rode up to the hospital with them, and was hiding in the hospital the whole time!!  Fortunately my uncle got the whole thing on was quite an emotional day, y'all! 

Everyone left to take Grace home to nap and give us some time since I still wasn't feeling great.  Once everyone came back, we were able to hang out together some more.  The hospital seemed like a blur probably because we got to go home quicker than when we had Grace.  We are SO grateful for our family being there to meet Wesley, and support us.  Jimmy's family wasn't able to make it, but we look forward to visiting with them soon!  My parents were especially helpful in watching Grace so Jimmy and I could be at the hospital together.  When we got home from the hospital, my mom went back home so we could all be together as 4 for the rest of Jimmy's paternity leave.  My friend, Gretchen, took Grace a few times so she could go plan with Brooke, her buddy.  That was SO nice to have time with Jimmy, Wesley, and I.  I am also thankful that Jimmy got a week of paternity leave this time around...he was amazing, just amazing.  I love that man more than ever, and I can't wait to see him be a father of our little boy.  If Wesley is half the man that Jimmy is, I think we will have done a great job :)

I was home with the two kiddos for Jimmy's first two days back to work, and everything went great!  My mom came Tuesday night and will be leaving tomorrow.  She has been incredibly helpful with Grace, Wesley, and household things.  I love having my mom here :)  I have had friends visit, bring things by, and our church started a care calendar where meals will be brought by multiple times a week.  On top of that, Wesley is a dream baby!  He only wakes at night when I wake him up to eat, and he goes right back to sleep (so far!).  Grace has transitioned really well and has only had one bad afternoon of "pouting" fits.  I am proud of how great of a big sister she has been, and will be.

I could keep going, but I think that's enough for one day!  Praise the Lord first, and foremost for a healthy delivery, and all the love that has been poured out to us.  We could never thank everyone enough. 

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