Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Month Full of Fun: Wesley Turns 9 Months Old!

Wesley is happy about turning 9 months old!

Grace @ 9 months

Wesley cheesing

Grace being all prissy and cute @ 9 months

Wesley @ 9 months

Grace @ 9 months...recurring theme?

Bed time routine :)

Princess party with Ellory, Hannah, and Maddie

Wesley and Lorelei

New favorite toy for a big boy!  My parents gave this to Grace as a Christmas present when she turned 9 months old.  I love finding these things in the attic!

Wesley @ 9 months

Grace @ 9 months; she was a lot more steady on her feet by this time but Wesley also scoots around and Grace didn't do that.

This sums up Wesley's mood (most of the time)

Our church fellowship group meets every Wednesday for dinner and discussion.  These are our offspring :)  There are currently seven littles and eleven adults (we miss the Walters!).  We LOVE our group and treasure how much they have taught us about Christian community and the importance of it.

Grace's first successful dentist visit...I was SO proud of her!

She thought it tickled...the hygienist was fantastic.

A day with Anna and Elsa from Frozen at gymnastics (terrible quality pic)!  I surprised Grace by letting her go to gymnastics for a morning...when we showed up she was speechless.  When I picked her up she said, "I told Else I love her dress and she said thanks!" haha

We spent an afternoon socializing/volunteering in our associate pastor's (Austin) community garden.  Okay, daddy did the volunteering and the rest of us socialized.  Grace sure has it good; thanks Wade!

Grace and Ellory relaxing

Jimmy plays in a church softball league on Fridays (when he is off work).  We were able to go with him to a game that was before bed time.  Grace loved running around in the dirt.

Grace and Gray, sharing an ice cream cone minus the ice cream.

Krispy Kreme birthdayfest!

I don't get included in too many pictures mainly because I'm the one taking them.  I also don't do selfies but I couldn't resist...look at that stud muffin!

We love to go out for ice cream and so does the newest member of our family.

Real life for us right now.  

My loves

Grace swinging like a big girl!  Like Gretchen says, "it's all in the arms".  Most people teach their kids to swing by pumping their legs but it's really about pulling back with the arms in the back swing.

Grace's first economics lesson.  This is her old doll house we found at a consignment store over a year ago.  It is a fantastic doll house.

We were at the same consignment shop recently looking at something for Wesley.  On our way out the door Grace spotted this special castle doll house.  She asked if she could have it.  It was my first opportunity to really teach her that we won't always buy something because she wants it.  She agreed to trading in her old doll house for the new one.  We also went through her piggy bank and pulled out some money to put towards the doll house.  She loves her new toy and I think it was a good lesson.

Wesley is practicing his walking skills!

9 month update
Weight: 21 pounds, 9 ounces (80%)
Height:  27 7/8'' (31%) short, chubby baby :)
Head: 18 3/4'' (99%) big brain!
Moods: Incredibly happy :)  Somewhat whiny at times but I guess when you are growing and teething, stuff hurts!
Favorite foods: bananas
Favorite toy: walker on wheels and his toy that you can run around the middle part (I don't know what it's called but it's in a picture above)
Sounds: da da, ba ba, and some "mmm"s
Teeth: 3 bottom teeth and two top teeth
Favorite hobbies: scooting, biting, pulling hair, spitting, a lot, grabbing faces, screaming
Accomplishments: scooting (his version of crawling), sitting up from a scooting position
Sleep habits: 3 naps a day and sleeps 7-6:00 or 6:30 through the night!
Clothing Size: 12 months depending on the brand...Wesley is short and chubby; same problem we had with Grace and fitting into clothes :)
Big sister update: Right now (as she is supposed to be napping) I hear her singing praise and worship songs.  It doesn't take much to melt this mamma's heart but hearing Grace sing to Jesus sure tops the list.  She loves music right now probably since Jimmy has started playing the guitar and singing at night before she goes to bed.  Grace is working hard right now to do a better job of sharing her toys with Wesley instead of screaming, "MINE!".  It helps when we catch her in the act and make her back up and try the "sweet" way.  I tried the whole people are more important than toys speech but that's just not clicking for some reason ;)
Kristen's work update: The summer is a busy time for CERTL as we typically do several professional development institutes for teachers.  I'll be helping with the third PD institute next week.  They usually consist of three all day sessions in which myself and others help train teachers how to use problem based learning in their classroom.  It's a TON of fun and the teachers end up loving the training!
Grad School Update: I have submitted everything that is required to apply for grad school.  I am waiting on one last piece (an agreement between the WSFCS system attorney's office) and that should be ready this week.  We will see!  The program director from Queens University online has been incredibly helpful and encouraging so hopefully that's a good sign.
Residency Update: As Wesley turns 9 months old, daddy takes his first board exam!!  It has been a long month of studying for him.  Also, it has been a long month for this mamma!  Jimmy would get home from work each day, call his attending about cases for the next day, and then need to study the rest of the evening.  It made for some long days.  Even though he was home, he wasn't really available.  We are looking forward to putting this test behind us.  We are so proud of daddy's dedication towards studying for the test.  Jimmy will be finishing a neuro rotation and then starting neuro ICU.  Any ICU rotation requires a lot of everyone...resident time/energy as well as the spouse at home with the kids.  Jimmy will be on call a lot but the light at the end of the this tunnel is that we have a family beach trip planned and we CAN NOT WAIT for it!

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