Sunday, May 1, 2016

Grace Turns 5!

It was okay for Grace to turn 1...even 2 and 3...4 didn't seem like such a big deal and the she turned 5! What?  Our first born...our of kindergarten age?  Ugh.  It's true and she couldn't have been more excited to turn 5 which seems to be synonymous for "being a big kid", according to Grace.  Birthdays should be special!

Jimmy took her to pick out donuts which was her breakfast of choice for her birthday.  We added some presents, cards, and decor.

You have to wake up to balloons on your birthday, right?

Drawings on the door...just hard to see.

Happy birthday, sweet girl!  

Her birthday was full of fun.  For dinner, she chose pizza so we headed to a local pizza place followed by ice cream, of course.  She got to open presents that family had mailed to us and even some presents from us.  We had already had a family birthday party on my side between Grace and aunt Cindy (those will be in the April family update).

Grace's birthday party has been at a local park that has a covered shelter and awesome playground the past few years.  This year she asked to have it at the place where she takes gymnastics.  We signed her up for gymnastics and she has been taking classes since January and she LOVES it.  We invited some close friends and siblings to enjoy a fun afternoon at the gym.

All we had to do was show up and bring a treat.  Done!

Parachute time

Doesn't look she was having any fun, does it?

Mrs. Rachel is the best!

Happy birthday do you!

Thanks to everyone that came!  I forgot to take a picture of the presents but thank you also to everyone for your donations to the Children's Home of Winston-Salem.  We will be delivering those presents soon!  Grace is truly blessed and always gets plenty of presents from family that each year we take up donations for the Children's Home.  It's a great teaching opportunity and service experience for Grace and I hope she is always eager to give to others.

PJ Masks is a new tv show that Grace and Wesley are obsessed with...for real.  The show is so new that no merchandise is sold in stores yet...ETSY to the rescue.   I ordered some homemade superhero capes and masks for the kids as a birthday present.  Don't be surprised if you come to our house and find these two jumping on our trampoline in disguise.  :)

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