Saturday, April 27, 2019

January Family Update 2019

Since I'm so far behind (posting a January update in late April) I hope this is one key to show you that our life is not "all together" ;).  Jimmy and I are making sense of what it looks like to both be working full time outside the home while parenting three crazy children that we dearly love.  We love what we do and we love our family even more but it's so often hard to balance it all.  Some months we feel like we're doing a good job while others, we don't.  If there's anything I've learned, it's to show myself some grace.  I think I post about this pretty often but maybe it's because I know some of you need the same encouragement I'm often seeking.  God is teaching me this season to control my reactions to things; tantrums (adult and children), messiness, unorganized things, etc. and that I don't have to be in control of everything for things to work out.  Does that make sense?  It seems to as I'm typing but I'm also pretty scattered at times...but that's okay!  Enjoy our January family update and I may even get around to posting the next few months pretty soon.

First picture of the year and we're furniture shopping!!  It took about 6 pictures to even get this one where they're all looking at the camera.  Works for me :)

Memere and Pepere came to visit shortly after Christmas so Jimmy and I could go away for 2 nights with the Kittners to the Grove Park Inn.  They brought plenty of goodies and sure did have some fun while we were gone!

When my mom sent this picture to me my heart pretty much exploded.  My dad, sliding down a big slide with his sassy little grandchild.  Living the good life!

McDonald's with Memere and Pepere

Best Christmas present ever!  Short but sweet visit to this place with amazing views!  We got to go to the spa, sleep, read, and eat delicious food.

Real live gingerbread house in the GPI!

They still had winning gingerbread houses on display from this contest they do every year at the GPI.  This was the overall winner.

Another winning design

And another

We always love to visit The French Broad Chocolate Lounge

We also like to visit Biscuit Head on the way out of town..their biscuits are incredible!

Reading with my eldest book worm

1st sick patient of the year...fortunately it was just a mild fever and maybe ear infection...I can't even remember at this point.

Celebrating a co-working and new friend in my life...happy 50th, Marie!

This is almost all of my team from work (minus our boss lady, Kelley).  Vanessa, far left, organized something called "Countdown to K" where everyone in the community was invited to come out and meet representatives from all elementary schools in WS/FCS.  We were so happy to be able to help and it turned out to be an incredible event!  Can't wait until next year ;)

All the people!

Meet Clemmons, Grace's new pet (dwarf rabbit).  She saved up her own money to buy him.  Her.  Him.  He was a she but then we found out she was a he...does that make sense?  lol


If the weather is semi-decent, then you'll find this group of 4 playing golf.

1st pigtails and I did literally squeal

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