Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Turner's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I borrowed the title from a book I used to read to my first graders.  The title sums up the day for myself and Jimmy but honestly, besides a few meltdowns and the fractured arm, Grace seemed to enjoy herself all day.  Let me paint the picture for you...

  • 10:00: Grace and I were at a playground up the street from our house having a perfectly normal playdate with my friend Daphne and her two kids.  Around this time Grace decided not the use the handrail to get off the bottom step thus resulting in her falling onto her arm
  • 10:30: We went home because she was not letting up with the crying.  I decided to give her some marshmallows to calm her down (nope) and even tried putting her in her crib for a super early nap (double nope).  I heard a loud scream and came to find her trying to stand up...the scream was from trying to put weight on her "boo boo" arm.  My momma instinct kicked in and I knew we had to go to the doctor. 
  • 12:15: This was the earliest doctor's appointment I could get at the pediatrician's office.  Our normal doctor wasn't in but one of the owners of the office was available.  Fortunately Grace was not crying anymore at this point, so I didn't mind waiting until the appointment.  I had a feeling that something might be wrong, so I packed extra snacks and drinks for the both of us.
  • 12:30: After checking out Grace's arm, we were sent to an outpatient imaging office to get an x-ray.  This office was a very fun to play at...they had fresh cookies, a bin of kid books and even a lot of people to say "haayy" to. 
  • 1:45: Due to a "staff miscommunication" we weren't called back for an x-ray until this time.  They felt bad about it and I was very patient and kind; probably because Grace was in good spirits.  I knew they could tell I was getting a little frustrated waiting that long with a little one.
  • 1:50: X-RAY; Grace was able to sit in my lap for a few of the x-rays but when they made me put her on the table...ooohhhh goodness our little love LOST it.  She got so worked up that by the time I sat back down in the waiting room to wait for the results, she was out cold in my lap.  The poor girl usually takes a nap from 12:30-2:30, sometimes longer.  I didn't mind the snuggle time :)
  • 2:00: The x-ray technician called me into the hallway to tell me the radiologist detected a fracture in Grace's arm.  I teared up.  She said we needed to head to the pediatric ED to meet with a doctor.
  • 2:02: Of course I did what any self-respecting woman would do, I called my husband and had my own breakdown.  I just felt so bad for Grace and was also feeling pretty guilty...maybe I could have watched her better...the guilt poured in.  Jimmy assured me that kids fall all the time and that it wasn't my fault.  He also said he would meet me at the pediatric ED (he was working at the hospital) and would stay with us.  That helped.
  • 2:30: We finally got called into a room at the pediatric ED.  Grace found the room fascinating...soo many buttons, colors and OH a TV with cartoons.  Mom and dad were pretty happy about this, too.  Some doctors came in to check out her arm and they confirmed the fracture after seeing the x-ray that was sent from the imaging center. 
  • 5:30: The orthopaedic doctor came in for a consult.  He informed us that Grace would need a cast but hopefully not for longer than a few weeks.  When I asked if there was a brochure with color samples for the cast, he and Jimmy laughed.  I thought that was a perfectly reasonable question and maybe something for them to add in the future :)  We settled for pink.
  • 6:00: This was the time we finally got home.  Poor Grace had such a meltdown when they were putting the cast on that she fell asleep in Jimmy's lap within minutes.  She stayed asleep when he put her in the car and all the way home.  I let her sleep in the car for a little while because boy did she have a long day!
After some medicine and Chick-Fil-A for dinner, Grace was feeling better.  It took me a little while to find something that would fit over her cast but we did find some zip up jammies that did job (thanks Gretchen!).  Grace slept like a champ, only waking up once in need of some medicine and then she fell back asleep until 7:30. 

Before the cast...bless her sweet heart.
X-Ray: heirline fracture on the upper radial?  I think that is right...
This was immediately following the casting.  Jimmy and I had to hold her down and she screamed the whole time.  She was so tired that when we put her in Jimmy's lap, she was out within minutes.  Poor baby!  This picture was taken with my phone...hence the quality. 
First pic after coming home...we didn't want to try to put the shirt back on.  The girl has a hard time without a cast getting shirts over her big head :)  I must say, that is ONE cute little girl with her pretty pink cast!
Daddy to the rescue: Chick-Fil-A cures
The morning after...adapting in her cute jammies :)

I always look for the good in situations as God has promised He will always watch over his people.  I will say there is nothing good about my daugther breaking her arm although we are grateful it was nothing worse.  Admist the whole situation, I have seen how God has providentially placed people in our lives.  We had family and friends texting with support the whole afternoon.  Since Jimmy is a doctor at the hospital, I felt like we got out of the ED quicker than the average person and we were very well taken care of while we were there.  Today (the day after the break) Grace's hand was swelling up so I asked my friend Gina (who is an emergency room doctor) to take a look at it...she came over and reassured me Grace was fine.  Sometimes we look directly at situations and try to force answers.  In this case, I was able to look all around us and easily find God working in our life the whole day long.

Thank you to our friends and family for all of your support!  Grace will be fine, we have no doubt about that but is sure is nice to feel the love from you all. 

1 comment:

  1. You are the BEST mom in the world. Of course it was NOT your fault! Kids will be kids...and if this is the worst thing that ever happens to Grace, she'll be a blessed little girl! Glad she slept well for you. Give her tender hugs and kisses from Nana and Granddad.
