Month 3
Weight: over 12 pounds...not exactly sure (will find out exact at 4 month appointment)
Height: about 23 inches
Moods: SUPER happy...smiles waking up...a little fussy in the evening but an earlier bed time has helped
Favorite foods: milk still...tried my hands but they don't taste the same...
Favorite new toy: playseat
Noises: YES! She loves to coo and make funny noises...can't wait for a laugh!
Favorite hobby: putting things in my mouth and drooling...
Playtime: YES! Smiling, cooing, grabbing/hitting toys, pulling things to mouth to chew and NOW she can hold her head up :)
People continue to tell me "enjoy this time because it flies by" and boy are they right! Baby Grace is 3 months old now but I just gave birth yesterday...or so it feels. Jimmy and I are so blessed with a wonderful baby girl. Grace wakes up happy, goes to sleep happy most times, and just is a great tempered baby. Grace recently took up drooling as a new hobby, as she soaks everything she can get her hands on. She is getting stronger by the day...it seemed like one day she couldn't support her head, and the next day she could! Her vision has drastically improved, which is soo interesting. She can focus in on smaller objects and I caught her watching me eat for the first time...she followed the banana to my mouth and smiled at me! Nothing makes us more happy than watching her smile.
A family friend of ours had their baby girl (1 year old) pass away this week of leukemia. This is such a bittersweet time for them as they have lost their precious daughter, but she is now with the Lord. This situation has made Jimmy and I more grateful than ever to have a healthy baby girl. Grace means the world to Jimmy and I but we know that she is a gift given to us, and is the Lord's child to give and take whenever he so chooses. We are enjoying every moment and new experience with her.
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