Weight: 14 pounds 6 ounces (67th percentile)
Height: at her doctor's appt. they said 25 and 3/4 inches...however Jimmy and I measured and it was closer to 23 inches...not sure what happened there but I guess they measured her short before...this percentile is not accurate since they had her at the 93rd percentile haha
Moods: SOOO happy as you can tell from the pictures :) Fussy when gums hurt from teething but that only lasted a few weeks...for now!
Favorite foods: milk and popscicles....I let her lick on one and rubbed it on her gums...I was desperate!
Favorite new toys: exersaucer and doorway bouncer
Noises: We have a GIGGLER! Jimmy makes her giggle the best and it is ADORABLE! Plus, she likes to stand up and make noises. She especially likes to talk to anyone who will listen...haha
Favorite hobbies: still putting things in mouth, drooling, grabbing feet, jumping, standing, (with help) making screeching noises AND riding like a big girl in the jogging stroller on walks
Playtime: Absolutely...she can grab onto all of her toys on her playmat and she can even reach out and interact with the toys on her exersaucer! Playtime is fun and the spurts get longer and longer!
Grace is growing and growing and growing! She has done really well with feedings which in turn has made her grow to be one plump, happy baby. It seems like each day she can do something new. One day she could only sit and look at the toys in her exersaucer and then the next day you turn around and she is interacting with the toys! Grace smiles and laughs so much more. Jimmy gets the best giggles out of her when he puts her on our bed and bounces her a little...she LOVES it and just laughs away.
Grace had several play dates this month. She enjoyed going to the Creasy's for a group play date; had Vivienne over for a smaller play date, and met Brooke at the pool several times. Grace's first experience with the pool was not so pleasant but I am pleased to say that she now LOVES the pool...well for the first 10 minutes, haha. She treats the pool as all business right now as she stares at the water, me, and anyone near her with a serious face. I started her in the kiddie pool which she loved and stood in with some help. Then I brought her into the adult pool and she liked it for a little bit...I think she was getting tired. I am so happy my baby girl enjoys the water now.
I am blessed beyond measure because instead of going back to school tomorrow, I get to stay home with my angel baby :) The best part is I will be working from home for CERTL, a company that I have done some side work for over a year now. God has provided for us in many ways and I am just in tears because I am so happy to be able to stay home with Grace.
Kris that is so great youget to stay home! I couldn't be happier for you. Tell Grace Aunt Ashley loves her and is loving scoring her free neat toys!