Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy 1/2 Birthday to You!

Our Pooh Bear

Taking big girl baths :)

1st time to a pumpkin patch

Jimmy turned 26 and James was able to come up so they could go to the World Beer Festival together.

1st time to a Fair!

Weight: 15 lbs. 14 oz. 53 percentile (previous month's weight was incorrect)
Height: 25.5 inches 40 percentile (short like her momma)
Head: 17.5 inch circumference 93 percentile THANK YOU very much haha!
Moods: Happy go lucky :) Only fussy when given shots!
Favorite foods: BaNaNaS! Anything sweet...she does like sweet potatoes and sometimes squash/zuchini.
Favorite new toys: anything that IS NOT a baby toy...remote control, kitchen spatula, cups...
Noises: "dada" "yeayea" and other babbles (an occaisonal fake whine)
Favorite hobbies: Still a chewer, drooler and pooper :) She loves to be outside and especially likes story time here lately
Playtime: We have an independent sitter on our hands! She can sit on the floor, reach for toys, hold her body weight up when on tummy AND stand up while holding onto something without falling! Crawling is sooo over rated :)

Grace is already half a WHOLE year old!! Things were so different 6 months ago I cannot even remember it all. I can honestly say that there is nothing better than being a mommy! Jimmy and I still race back to her room each night before our bed time to see who can be the first one to check on her while she is sleeping.

Jimmy turned 26 this month and his friend James was able to come up and visit. I drove them to the World Beer Festival in Durham, NC for the afternoon and they had a great time! My mom was nice enough to come up from Columbia to watch Grace for the day. Also this month, Jimmy's parents came up for an unexpected (but much needed!) visit. Jimmy's dad helped him work on his truck while his mom and I got to go on walks and hang out with Grace.

This month we are especially thankful for me being able to stay home with Grace. The Lord guided us to this decision and I can honestly say that if you were to ask me one, two, even three years ago if I ever thought I would be a stay at home mom I would have said, "NO! I WANT to work." There is nothing wrong with either of those things but the moment Grace came into this world, my mind changed. I do work part-time but most of that work is from home. We are incredibly blessed to be able to have me stay at home, but it's no cake walk. Jimmy and I are definitely making sacrafices financially but every sacrafice is more than worth staying home with my precious baby girl.

I am thankful to be home with Grace and experience all of her firsts, her good times, fussy times and all of the in betweens. I wouldn't trade it for anything! If Grace is having a fussy fit it doesn't bother me because I think of all of the people with sick children or those that aren't able to have children and realize that any way God gives Grace to me is a blessing.

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