Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Grace is 12 months...1 year in review with 12 pictures!


Weight: 21 pounds 10 ounces (54%)
Height: (56%) I forgot what they said...Jimmy and I will measure it again.
Head: 18 3/4 inches (99% STILL! :)
Moods: Happy, Happy, Happy :)
Favorite foods: cake icing...we'll give credit to her birthday for that
Favorite new toy: kitchen set she got for her birthday...one among many new toys she likes to play with :)
Sounds: rarely does she make individual sounds now, she makes more blends and it's almost like she is trying to talk in phrases...very cute!
Favorite hobbies: CRAWLING!  Grace started crawling a week ago...go figure!  She can also sit up from lying down...this means we have walked into her room to find her sitting up and lately even standing up in her crib, walking around.  She can also crawl over to anything and pull up which is then followed by walking.  We are officially mobile without restraint!
Playtime: The new mobility lets her play wherever she wants to in the house...trashcans, toilets, etc. haha
Sleep habits: She seems to be moving away from 2 naps but I can't completely tell....naps are a little inconsistent right now.  Bedtime is still 7 and she sleeps until 7 :)
Sign Language: "more" and "please' now!  She understands a TON of words...it's so cool to see what she can do.
Teeth: Bottom: 6!  Top: 6!  Two molars popped in up top and on the bottom this month.  Ouchies!  We didn't have really much trouble with them.
Words spoken: "dada", "tickle", "dddddd" for dog, "MOMMA!" (finally) "nuhnuh" for numnum (when she wants food), "yehyeh" and I am not completely sure what others count because she immitates a lot of words and sounds too

What a year it has been!  Jimmy and I will be posting a few more times featuring things we love about Grace after having her for a full year AND a special birthday party post.  I think I have said enough in this post :)  Okay, I am not finished.  We are in love with our baby girl!  God has given us the most amazing gift that we haven't felt we deserved since she was born (well Jimmy felt that way immediately but I was drugged up at the time so my feeling was delayed) but we have appreciated and treasured every moment with her.  Hopefully one day Grace will read this blog, including all of the posts about how much we love her, and she'll know how much we have and always will care about her.

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