Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Letter to Grace

Dear Grace,
Daddy and mommy love you SO much!  You are our little gift from God and we have never loved anything more.  The first year of your life has gone by so fast!  We decided to write a letter to you explaning all of the things we love about you.  Hopefully one day you will read this and understand the depth of our love for you.
What daddy and mommy love MOST about you after 1 year of life:

-your sounds…it used to be this squeaky pterodactyl noise when Daddy would bathe you and put you in your jammies.  NOW it’s a multitude of noises…everything from happy screams to speaking words: dada, tickle, moma, numnum, dddd for dog, and “s that?” for “what’s that?”

-your intense focus whenever Elmo is on the tv, ipad, daddy’s phone…anywhere!

-you know how to change the channel on the tv with the remote control…impressive.

-how you would rather eat asparagus than anything else…definitely your mother’s daughter!

-your facial expressions…pictures would do the best justice here but there are soooo many faces we love

-when we go to get you out of your crib in the morning, the moment we open the door, you are smiling at us…it’s like you are waiting JUST for us

-your  persistency when it comes to opening something, figuring something out or trying to get to a space you aren’t allowed to be in

-the silly laugh!  When you get really tired, you get silly and giggly…any noise or face we make will set you off and you giggle this cute, throaty laugh

-fake crying…as much as it doesn’t sound fun, it’s hilarious!  You started this when we began teaching you the word “no”

-words and phrases you can understand but not speak: “sit down please” is just one that is entertaining to watch you do because you don’t bend your knees; you just plop yourself right there on the ground, no matter what surface. You are a smart girl already…you will bring things to us, go get things…it’s fascinating to see your little brain do so much.

-you would rather play with one of mommy or daddy’s electronics than any of your toys (ipad, computer, iphone, cell phone, ipod…)

-you speak two languages already!  Well, I guess signing doesn’t count as speaking…but you can do two signs: more and please

-finding toys in random spots in the house because you drug them there…especially finding them in mommy’s purse when she is at the store 

-the excitement we have as we race back to “check on you” before we go to bed each night…if I am not mistaken that has been a total of 364 nights (we left you overnight with memere and pepere one night)

-every night mom or dad (or both of us) prays over you and you just stare up at us while we pray…so sweet

-how happy you get when riding in top of daddy’s shoulders

-you are a mutlitasker: you can run laps in your mobile toy AND drink a bottle at the same time.

-you give us hugs…one of our favorite things you do right now

-all of a sudden you went from lying down to-sitting up-standing up-walking a few steps-walking independently-crawling-to now standing up on your own and walking wherever you want…hello mobile baby!

-you spontaneously burst into dancing and smile while you are doing it…it brings joy to mommy and daddy’s hearts!

-every morning you eat Cheerios and dance to Curious George on tv J 

There are many other things we love about you, but the list would go on forever.  Just know that right now, mommy and daddy love you more than anything and pray that you know how much we love you one day.

With all our hearts,

Daddy and Mommy

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