Monday, November 5, 2012

Grace's 1st Trick or Treating Adventure

This was Grace last year at 6 months old...
She was so chunkilicious and more importantly, she wasn't old enough to trick or treat so we stayed home and handed out candy (not to mention she was in bed for it all).
This year Grace is obsessed with exactly who she dressed up as...
This girl LOVES Elmo.  Our friend, Lindsay, got this awesome costume for Grace and let's just say she thought she was Elmo when she wore it.
This year Grace still wasn't old enough to understand the concept of trick or treating but we HAD to show her off and let her Jimmy and I rack up on some candy.  We put Grace in her pushing car and wheeled her around the neighborhood.  There were only a few houses we went to but it sure was fun to watch all the kiddos in the neighborhood just be kids!  It was also comical watching Grace give people "the look" when she didn't think they put enough candy in her bag.  Of course we made her use manners; all it took was a "tank you" and we were on our way to the next house.  She settled for a sucker as we walked around the neighborhood and seemed very content with Halloween.
Jimmy got home from work just in time to go trick or treating...I begged him (and won as you can see) to leave his doctor outfit on to walk around with Grace, hehe.

The artist: Jimmy Turner

Junk food belly :)
I sure do love these two!

1 comment:

  1. I cracked up when you called the scrubs and lab coat a "doctor outfit"-- such a woman!! I love it :)
