Saturday, December 15, 2012

Grace is 20 months!

The boys play video games in the man room while the girls do various things like make ginerbread houses :)

Liz, a good friend from college, lives an hour from our house.  We visit several times a year and she recently came for a "baking" day.  This is us trying to get a good picture with all three girls, haha.

Playing chase with Memere on Thanksgiving.  Daddy and Uncle Jordan weren't there but we still had a good time!
Pepere carves the turkey each year.

Grace, checking out her plate.

Finger painting
This should be the cover picture for a CD haha...reminds me of a boy band poster, too.

At the Winston-Salem Christmas parade!

Brooke, Grace and Ellory are ready!
Brooke and Grace especially enjoyed the marching bands.

Jimmy and I had fun decorating the tree while listening to Christmas music!

Mine, Grace's and Jimmy's 1st Christmas ornaments!

Pinterest idea brought to life

David came to speak at my work in the second grade class about Treats for Troops, a service learning project.  Thankful for all of our troops!

1st baking experience (Sesame Street recipe)
It's comical the places I find this girl

Leaf pile jumping is the best!

Daddy's girl

20 months old!
“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" Winnie the Pooh
That quote made me smile and think of Grace, of course.  Short, easy words are what we'll be thankful for now because in a few years I believe it won't be the same!
Residency Update: If you read our blog regularly, then you already know from my previous post that intern year has recently been pretty rough.  Jimmy is on GMC (general medicine C) right now and finally is in his last week.  The people have been great but the hours have not!  He has been gone a lot if you couldn't already tell from his absence from a lot of pictures.  He is on nights right now and I personally think it's really rough to go back in forth so much between day and night shifts.  Next week Jimmy starts arrhythmea and we are both PUMPED about it.  He will be working regular 8-5 hours although I am not sure if he will have weekends off.  That has been hard all of intern year...not having the weekends or hardly any days off together.  Fortunately he has the week of Christmas off and we cannot wait!!
Interests: Target trips with mom (and getting an ICEE/popcorn while visiting), Christmas baking/eating of cookies, felt Christmas tree, real Christmas tree ornaments, being social in general
Sleep habits:
Naptime: 12:30 (2-3 hour nap each day; homegirl hit the 4 hour nap mark a lot this past week; growth spurt I suppose)
Bedtime: 7/7:30-7:30 or later...sleepy girl this month
Favorite foods:  Christmas cookies, edamame, Chex Mix and friendship bread
Teeth: 15 (I think...I haven't counted but I think they are all in so my number could be off)
Words spoken: We are now at 2, 3 and occaisonal 4 word phrases.
2 word common phrases: Grace Turner, Thank you, Uh oh, bye bye, yes sir, more please, go outside, fall down, NO, Ellie!
3 word common phrases: I love daddy, I love you and she will repeat 3 word phrases
4 word common phrases: All through the town (from "Wheels on the bus") she'll repeat up to four word phrases but I can't think of any other new common ones off the top of my head
Developmental Notes for future reference: Grace knows all of her letters and will site them out of order.  We are working on numbers but she knows 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 pretty well.  Grace knows how to idenify a rectangle, star, heart, diamond, oval and circle without hesitation but gets square and rectangle confused a lot and that is understandable!  We are starting a curriculum in January that my friend and I have developed and I think that will be a lot of fun for both of us.  It's amazing how much these little minds can learn at such a young age!
Firsts: baking experience, finger painting, Christmas parade

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