Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Merry Christmas x2

This Christmas was very similar to 2011's Christmas.  We traveled the whole time and I guess we can happily say we have several home away from homes :)  Here is our Christmas story.

Jimmy's 9 day vacation (wohoo!) began on Friday, December 22nd so we hit the road and headed to Columbia, SC where my family lives.  We were in Columbia until Thursday, December 27th.  That morning we packed up and headed to Savannah, GA (Jimmy's family) until Sunday, December 30th.  It's more fun to tell a story through pictures and I think any reader of a blog would agree...

Uncle Jordan lives in Los Angeles, CA now and we had not seen him since the summer so we spent extra time in Columbia.

Every Christmas my Uncle Frank and Aunt Katy send live Maine lobsters to my parents...they must have known we would be in town because they sent extra...my favorite!

Grace loved what Santa or "Ho, ho, ho" left for her.  Already practicing!  She has shown signs of being ready to potty train...2013 will be very entertaining.
Merry 2nd Christmas to the love of our lives!

My Christmas surprise to Jimmy...a t-shirt quilt with some of our college t-shirts.  I have already taken a nap with it and it was super comfy.
Silly me didn't bring my camera but after the Christmas Eve service Jimmy, myself, Grace and Jordan (mom was sick and dad stayed at home with her) headed the Green's house for our annual spaghetti dinner.  The Greens are long time friends and Millie, their daughter, and I grew up together.  She and her husband were there and it was really good to catch up!

Uncle Jordan helping Grace learn about her new firetruck
Stocking stuffing is a big deal at the Gracien household :)

Aunt Cindy and Uncle Linton

My ticklish girl

Uncle Robin gave this chair to Grace...it was his rocking chair when he was a little boy.  Very special!
One of our many trips to the table on Christmas Day...this was for the prime rib or "Roast Beast"

In Savannah, GA for a second Christmas

Doll for Grace from the McDade's :)
Jimmy's parents

Dang the blurriness but what an adorable picture!  Grace and her great-grandpa

TV break during the party of 30+ people!

Family Christmas picture 2012!
We had a blessed Christmas and really enjoyed being around both families.  Thank you to everyone for hosting us.  We are happy to be back in our home and we will post our New Years' pics soon!
The Turners


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