Friday, January 11, 2013

Recipe for a PERFECT New Year's Celebration

1. 1 cute 21 month old, sparkly shoes and all.  She was living it up and went to bed at 8 p.m.  She'll turn 2 this year.  No, I don't want to talk about it.  :)

2. Add some friends...
Melinda and Derek
David and Lindsay
Kristen and Jimmy
 3. Sprinkle some chocolate on some strawberries among other yummy foods...

4. A group game of Catch Phrase to pass the time?  Okay.  You can tell by our faces it was hilarious.  Hey David, what does G-e-n-i-u-s spell?

More game time, this time the boys and girls split up.

 5. Dancing was in order before the ball dropped and kisses were exchanged.  I sure do love that boy.

I got left out but only for a moment; my dancing partner returned after a random photo op.

 6. Final ingredient: Fireworks and sparklers!  LOVE how Lindsay caught this...amazing picture from an amazing night!


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