Sunday, February 17, 2013

Letter "F" Week

This is the 6th week of the curriculum and is designed to primarily review all of the weeks up to this point. The children will have learned six letters, numbers, shapes, colors, songs and more animals.  Grace and I did not spend a whole lot of time reviewing because she knows most of the things above topics well.  That is the beauty of this curriculum...after 6 weeks you can evaluate to see where your child is and slow down, keep the same pace or speed up (content wise) as needed.  
Shape review/sorting:  I had three cups and cut out three different sets of shapes of construction paper (we used these for a craft you'll see below).  With some prompting Grace did a great job sorting them into cups.  I will say, I am not sure if she was sorting them based on the shape or the color but either way, it was good practice.

She was more interested in dumping the shapes out...

and using the cup to assist her during snack time :)


"F" is for flower shapes.  We made flowers with different shapes as petals.  Great did AWESOME with this.  I spread all of the shapes out and we talked through the craft.  She listened and handed me the correct shapes and I used the color/shape wording over and over (this was also a good review craft).

Here is the finished wall decoration in Grace's room.  I ordered this decal for 8 bucks off Amazon. It came with Pablo Picasso's name at the bottom but it was missing a letter and I couldn't stand to wait and return it so I went ahead and put it up on the wall.  I am going to see if the washi tape holds up and if not I'll find another way to put the artwork up but I LOVE it!

"F" is for family!  We put a family picture up on the fridge with her letter and math page.

"F" is for foot!  A purple foot for the color of the week.

"F" is for finger paint.  We did her footprint and then I wiped her foot off and let her finger paint since I knew she would make a mess.  We followed with a fun bath!

"F" is for firetruck!  Mine didn't turn out as cute as the one on Pinterest but I also couldn't justify buying all the parts just to use one here and there to make it cute.  The snack called for a gumdrop for the siren and two large Oreos for the wheels.  I had everything except these small Oreo cookies and just bought a small container of them.  Cost beats cuteness most of time and I still think it turned out cute :)

Grace sure liked it

Valentine's Day fell on our "F" week.  We didn't plan our curriculum based on the holidays so people could start it whenever they want during the year.  The holidays can be added in during any week.  Aldi had this mix for these pink chocolate chip pancakes :)

Our card craft for daddy.  I wish I would have taken a picture of the ones we sent to the grand parents...they were cute!

"F" is for farm animals...I am hoping to be able to take a trip to see some next week while Jimmy is off so maybe we'll get to add that!

After the first 6 weeks there is a built in vacation or break week in the curriculum.  Grace and I will not be taking a break because I want to get through the curriculum AND I feel like she is doing well with it.  She isn't overwhelmed or refusing to do tasks so I know it isn't too much.  Since it is mainly play based, it won't be too much if anyone decides not to take a break.  See you for "G" week. 

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