Friday, February 15, 2013

Salem Widow's Ministry Valentine's Party!

I am blessed to announce the creation of Salem Widow's Ministry!  This ministry is aimed at serving the elderly, specifically widows.  For now, the ministry will host monthly socials at an assisted living facility in Winston-Salem, NC.  One day I would like to be able to organize visits to widows or elderly that live alone and need help.  Let's backtrack a little so you can have the whole story behind this new ministry...

I have always loved the elderly.   I adore seeing the elderly "mall walk".  I look forward to grocery shopping on Monday mornings because that is when a lot of the elderly are out.  They LOVE kids and Grace loves telling anyone hello so she is always a hit.  Most people get frustrated when they get stuck behind an old person when driving...but me, it makes me sad that they have to go out and do it alone, especially if they aren't able but have to do it anyways.  Some people think the elderly are grumpy but I would tell you to spend a few minutes with one and you would be surprised at how much you can learn.

I visited my Nana at her assisted living home near Columbia, SC when she was still alive.  I would go eat supper with her once a week and the residents in her home would try to beat each other out to sit at the table with us because they just wanted to talk with someone new.  God was working in my heart to serve the elderly and I still didn't realize why.

In college my friend, Liz, and I volunteered with a Widow's Ministry that served widows living alone that needed assistance or even company (which is what all of them value the most).  We volunteered with a lady named Addie Mae Brownlee.  Addie Mae LOVED to sit and talk with us.  She always said, "the thing about it is..." and that would make us giggle.  Addie Mae loves peach ice cream and honey buns.  We would take her to the doctor, get her mail and bring groceries to her.  She heated her house using her stove  and space heaters because it is cheaper than paying for heat.  She wasn't able to get out on her own and didn't have a car.  We grew to love this lady dearly and ended up learning a lot about serving people through our time with her.  This experience made me realize why God put the love of the elderly so heavy on my heart...because so many of them need help but cannot help themselves.  If we don't help, then who will?  It saddens my heart to know how much of a need there is that will never be covered.  Addie Mae still brings a smile (and sometimes a tear) to my face when I call her to say hello and she says, "Kristen?  Is that you?  How is my sweet baby Grace?"

I write all of this to make people aware of how great of a need some elderly have...probably even in your own neighborhood.  God calls us in scripture time and time again to serve those that cannot help themselves.  The theme verse for the Salem Widow's Ministry is James 1:27 "Religion (worship) that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

The Salem Widow's Ministry held its' first event on Friday, February 15th.  It was quite fitting that this event be held on my Nana's birthday; she would have been 90 years old today.  We threw a Valentine's Party for the residents at Homestead Hills.  There was punch, cookies and Valentine's cards made by kids from Salem Presbyterian Church.  Check out the pictures from the party!  The volunteers and residents had a great time.  We can't wait for next month's event...more information to come!

Punch, cookies and Valentine's cards made by some kids from our church, Salem Presbyterian Church.

The residents were so sweet to meet and they sure loved the children.  The ladies at the table here called the gentleman a "Yankee boy".  I laughed and said that's not nice and he said, "It's okay, I am...I am from New York."  He went on to tell me about growing up in NY and what he did for a job.  Fascinating and fun to listen to these folks!

Mary is the resident standing up in the coral colored shirt.  She was tickled to hear that two of my volunteers had the name Mary in their name.  That made her smile!

This was a precious moment caught on camera.  Liam was telling this lady about the card he made and gave to her.  You should have seen the joy on this woman's face!

The ladies at this table gave us some great ideas for future social events...they LOVE Bingo and playing cards.

Phew...being cute is hard work :)  Will and Grace took a break on the couch.  The kids were amazing with the residents!  It was a great set up.

Thank you SO much to everyone that helped prepare for and attend the party!  

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, my dear sweet daughter, what you do for those around you is truly amazing! My own Nana would have given anything to have someone like you and Grace visit her when she was in the nursing home. My Daddy, now, would love the smile that Grace and her "buddies" could bring. I know that Addie Mae thanks God every day for the special times you had in Due West. You have a special God-given gift...and that is your ability to share the love you have in your heart. David and I are lucky to be able to call you our daughter. love you!
