Friday, February 8, 2013

Letter "E" Week

E was a tricky week to plan for!  Gretchen and I are trying not to force activities for each week just so it goes with the letter...but I felt like it had to be done this week at times!  I found myself doing more exploratory things with Grace which ended up being really fun.

Each week involves a letter craft.  The page of the week is to be put somewhere so the child will see it a lot for reinforcement during the week.  We put it on the refrigerator during the week and will add it to her "alphabet wall" as we finish the letters.  I LOVE the elephant craft!  It's an upside down hand print :)

Thanks to some PINspiration and a clearance sale at Michaels, we will now be putting all of Grace's school and artwork on the wall in her room with washitape.  It's decorative and doesn't pull the paint off the wall.  LOVE it!

Grace's art work...I have a Pinterest project in the works here...I am waiting for something to come in the mail to put the final touch and make it complete.

"E" is for experiment or exploration bottle.  Here is the before.  Pinterest strikes again...I'll put the link to my boards below because most of the ideas I use are not my own!

Here is the after!  The water is blue for the color of the week.  There is a pipe cleaner, some pom pom balls, dice, paper strips and glitter in the bottle.  I hot glued the top on so we wouldn't have anything come out!

She was interested in the bottle...shook it some...threw it (thank goodness for the hot glue) and then was done with it.  Some ideas turn out to be great and others, not so much.  I will pull it out again and probably make some more so she can compare and observe!

The K-mart is closing near my house so the big containers of Play-Doh are .79 a piece.  Also, I found this RoseArt fun dough accessories in the dollar bin at Target.  All of this made for a GOOD idea :)  Grace loves PlayDoh.

We practiced shapes...she liked that.  I also realized that it was more fun for Grace if I rolled out a big piece of Play-Doh and let her mark on it with the accessories than cutting out individual pieces.  She would just pull the small pieces apart or yes, even taste test some pieces.  Don't be afraid to try something because you are scared of what COULD have to learn to listen!  

My favorite activity of the week!  I bought a big roll of paper from IKEA to go with an easel my friend, Nicole, let us borrow for awhile.  The backside of this paper has been colored, painted on and is full of stickers :)  So, we turned it into our temporary kitchen table cloth and I taped it down.  

Markers, crayons, and stickers.  After free drawing time I drew some familiar shapes on the paper and had her put stickers in the shape I would call out.  She did awesome with it; she'll never know she was practicing shapes AND motor skills at the same time!  In this picture Grace is gripping the marker this way because she was making dots everywhere, haha.  I have watched her grip change and improve with different utensils whether they are eating for for artwork.  She has a really good grip on pens so I think she is ready for thinner  crayons and maybe some colored pencils (the crayons in the picture are thick ones for a beginning grip).

"E" is for envelope stamping.  See?  I told you I stretched some things...I told Grace what an envelope was for and had her practice saying it but she was WAY more interested in stamping.  

We ended in a messy style.  Grace absolutely loves finger painting.  The paper sat out over nap time so it would dry and she was back at it in the afternoon, the next day...well honestly I left it on the table for days!  She kept coming back to it and wanted to color so I let her wear it out.

I spend time each week on Pinterest looking for specific crafts for the letters, sensory activities and other ideas for the curriculum.  I guess you could call me the "Pinterest" developer :)  Here is a link to my boards if you want to see more fun activities to do with kids:

If that doesn't work then search for my name: Kristen Turner (amazinggrace8).  You'll know which board to look through!

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