Monday, February 4, 2013

Little Learners Curriculum: Letter D!

"D" was a fun week!  As you know, we are going through the curriculum and as much as I want to speed through it so Gretchen and I can finish it and publish it...I realized it is important to go through it correctly so I am not rushing Grace.  I also realized this week that when people (hopefully) end up purchasing the curriculum, they can just do one part of the curriculum at a time (especially for younger kids under one year old) and cycle back through by adding on different parts.

I made some homemade bath crayons that failed.  However, this homemade bath paint was fun.  The color of the week was green hence the color of the paint and bathwater :)

SUPER cheap and fun activity for kids!  A foam poster board with green felt hot glued to it as my "chalkboard".  Felt is very cheap especially since you don't have to buy that much of it.  I have a bunch of  different colors to make activities for the different letters of the alphabet.  For "C" we did choo choo train numbers.  This week's felt board activity was color matching with DOGS!  Grace is not developmentally ready to learn all of her colors but she knows a few of them and can match colors pretty consistently.  

D is for "dirt" :)  Fun, easy and yummy snack.  Oreo cookie crumbled up with yogurt and gummy worms.  Mommy and Grace's "dirt" snack.

Think she liked it?

She definitely liked the gummy worms...a girl after her daddy's heart :)

D is for "dinosaur".  She kept saying "eyes" and coloring in the  I didn't teach her that but it sure was good practice for attempting to color inside the lines.

D is for "dish soap foam".  Okay, I know it's a stretch but it was so fun!  Chances are you'll see it again for the letter "F".  All you do is put dish soap and water in a blender, mix it up, and it turns to complete foam!  I put her in the tub with the foam, sponges, a spoon and some was great entertainment.  

Nothing to do with the letter D but this was one of our sensory/motor skill activities for the week.  I found a list of cool activities using things around the house so we tried some out.  Grace couldn't quite use the tongs but she tried and we'll keep working on it.

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