Thursday, February 21, 2013

Letter "G" Week

"G" is for Grace!

An example of a number, letter and shape flashcard that we use.  The curriculum will sell flashcards made to go with each letter/word of the week.  I just happened to find this alphabet set online and laminated them.  It also just so happened to have a glove for "G" which is the word of the week!  The backside of the number flashcard has seven balloons and we practice counting.

"G" is for gumball!  I don't have an "after" pic but we matched the gumballs and glued them together inside of the machine.  I could tell Grace was matching based on color, which was fine since she does know the letter.  Very cute!

"G" is for Greek yogurt!  Wasn't planned but it still worked!

Introduced patterns...a, b patterns with green and orange Apple Jack cereal pieces.  Note to self: next time, don't use food!
Also this 6 weeks we will be working more on matching and sorting.

"G" is for Goofy.  Mickey Mouse is Grace's obsession!  I found these stickers at some discount store so we put them to good use.

Pink play-doh for the color of the week.

This is what the side of your fridge will look like each week.  A literacy page and a math page.

"G" is for giraffe!

Upside down hand/arm print turned into a giraffe.  Grace did great with the hand printing and then I let her finger paint while it dried and I finished it.  Green grass is at the bottom put on with glitter glue!  This was one of my favorite cutesy crafts.   

"G" is for green eggs and ham!  Dr. Seuss week or month (not sure what it is) is coming in March so this tied in nicely!  We read the book and then Grace chowed down.  I didn't do ham because I had already cooked chocolate chip pancakes so we made the letter G in one pancake.  She wasn't interested in the eggs but her daddy and I were!

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy was, indeed, the "fort king" as a kid....he could cover our whole living room in less than 10 was truly amazing! Grace is is your curriculum! I love watching her learn and your ideas are so innovative! Keep up the good work and keep entertaining us with Grace's progress!
