Friday, February 22, 2013

Daddy's Vacation Week!

I must begin this post by explaining that our marriage is FINE!  I believe I worried some of you with my honesty in Grace's 22nd month of life post...I just expressed that marriage has been more difficult since residency started and it seems as if I scared some people.  So, even though I feel it's important to be honest and take off that mask every once an a while I also don't want anyone worrying.  We had a lot of fun with Jimmy during his vacation time this past week (Monday-Friday).  For Jimmy's residency he gets three weeks off the whole year (well deserved I might add!).  He put in requests for specific weeks but you don't always get what you ask for.  Although this may not have been his number one choice for vacation weeks, God's timing is more perfect as HE knew when we would need it!

We went on TWO dates this week!  This was from our dessert date night...we sure do appreciate the Cloers for watching Grace so mommy and daddy could have a hot date!

Play-Doh time with daddy.  We ventured out some during the week but we also enjoyed our "stay-cation" at home.

Grace loves to "tickle, tickle!" Jimmy

I guess you could say this is Jimmy's favorite little person...and shirt since it seems to be in all of these pictures, haha!

Daddy's are really good at building forts!  A goofy family picture underneath the fort :)

We went on a "field trip" to the Natural Science Center in Greensboro.  Like father, like daughter.

We feel refreshed as a family and thankful for Jimmy's time off!  He is about to go into a rough couple of months schedule-wise but we look forward to his next break and all he will learn up until that point.

1 comment:

  1. You will have to tell me more about the Science Center next time I see you - is that they one where they have a mini zoo? My hairdresser was telling me about it and I want to take Sam sometime soon.

    Residency, marriage, and parenting ARE a tough combination and I think it's good to be honest about it (and know that it's a season of life that will thankfully come to an end at some point in the not too far future). Vacation weeks always seem to come at just the time you need them most!!!
