Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Letter "M" Week

"M" is for mailman!  Grace has always LOVED the mailman.  We aren't sure why besides the truck...she likes trucks.  She waves to him (if he comes when she is awake) and even has a mail truck she plays with.

"M" is for marshmallows.  This is Grace's favorite sweet treat.  I cut out the letter M and had her line up the marshmallows.

Then I tried patterns again and Grace actually was able to tell me which one went next.  This was encouraging!

"M" is for M&M sorting (right before bed time...fortunately it didn't back fire).

I would hold up the color and say, "this one is orange...where do the orange ones go?" and she could put it in the correct place.  Grace still can't identify many of her colors but she can sort them so she is getting there.

"M" is for Maverick (left).  Grace and Ellie are best buds but I guess Maverick took over this day as he wanted some popsicle. 
 Funny story about Maverick: the day we brought Grace home we put her in the pack n play in the living room to change her.  She started crying and before we knew it Maverick jumped into the pack n play!  He was standing over her, licking her face.  Jimmy grabbed him and basically tossed him out because we weren't sure if he was stepping on her or what.  After we gathered ourselves, we realized Maverick thought something was wrong and was trying to help...he hadn't landed on her either.  Grace sure loves her furry siblings!

Easter cookie decorating!  My mom has this down to a better art than I do but I just wanted to find something quick to do with Grace.  This is before (as she is already eating one, haha).

"M" is for Mickey Mouse!  We made some Mickey Mouse cookies...Grace's current obsession is Mickey Mouse hence the Mickey Mouse birthday party we will be having next month!

"M" is for moon!  Moon was one of Graces first ten words.  She loves to look at the moon!

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