Saturday, March 23, 2013

Salem Widow's Ministry Bingo Night!

The Salem Widow's Ministry hosted its second social: for the month of March it was Bingo Night!  This was organized upon request of the residents.  At the Valentine's Party I asked the residents what type of game night they would like to do and the answer was a resounding "Bingo!".  It didn't take many volunteers to organize this event and the home even had all the materials to play Bingo.  We just showed up and enjoyed spending time with these precious people.  We were entertained by the personalities of the residents that came...they weren't messing around; they were serious about some Bingo!

The lady in the pink shirt (back to camera) reminds me SO much of my Nana.  I miss her in a very happy way each time I see Bo :)

Thanks to Kim and Erin, my "caller" and "recorder"

These ladies were on a roll the last round!  Sweet, sweet ladies.

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