Thursday, March 21, 2013

Letter "L" Week

We took a bit of a break from school as life got super busy last week and this week.  L week kind of suffered from worries, I'll be more on top of it for "M" week :)

"L" is for lacing!  I had some cardboard, yarn and a pipe cleaner to use as the tip.  Super easy and great motor skill practice.

She did really well with it.

So focused!

"L" is for lion!  This was a cute craft made out of things I already had at home.  Grace actually sat the whole time and helped glue/put on the pasta.  She also helped color the lion face before doing all the gluing...I was impressed!  That means she is learning to sit longer and to help out.  Happy mommy!

Shape Practice: masking tape in the shape of well, shapes, on the floor makes for a fun "jumping" game.  Since Grace has started mixing up a triangle, rectangle and square I included those.  I also included a diamond because she knows that one.

She had fun jumping from shape to shape...we still have it on the floor!

"L" is for lobster!  Can't wait to introduce this food to Grace.

"L" is for ladybug!  Cute snack idea interrupted by Grace's curious fingers.  I didn't get to put the marshmallow on for the head and chocolate chips for the eyes but who cares...she was interested and enjoyed the tasty treat!

"L" is for The Lorax!  I bought this movie at Christmas time for Grace because it was $3.99 on Amazon including shipping.  Little did I know how much she would come to LOVE this movie.  We have let her watch some TV shows but not really any movies (unless we are on a long road trip).  I popped this movie in and the girl will sit the WHOLE time the movie is on.  She absolutely loves this movie and it's quite entertaining.  I have tried other movies but none are the same!

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