Friday, March 15, 2013

Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog: Grace is 23 months!

Dinner with the Hicks now involves these two cuties :)

Petting Zoo

Holding hands with daddy is the best!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

We think she will be a pilot one day...

Or an ice cream taste tester...she loves ice cream just like her daddy :)

Daddy and Uncle David...goofy boys.

Painting with water

Eating the chocolate icing off the top

She loves some Uncle David and Aunt Lulu

She also loves Chip (I picked him out at the shelter when I was in 8th or 9th grade) at my parent's house.  He helped her "mow" the lawn.

Best Buds


I'm 23 months!

Residency Update: Jimmy completed his NICU rotation on Monday.  It wasn't that bad to be honest.  He got off early some days (until the end) and had one of his vacation weeks which we absolutely enjoyed.  The NICU is a sad service, especially if you have a kid.  He went to the hospital each day and dealt with very sick babies all day.  It breaks my heart and I know I couldn't do it.  The plus to the rotation was that he got the chance to successfully do some procedures he will be doing as an anesthesiologist so that was encouraging.  Jimmy started HOA (hematology; a medicine sub-specialty) on Tuesday and well we pretty much haven't seen him since, haha.  He got off early the first day but we are bracing for a long month.  He goes into work very early and works about 12-13 hour days.  Some days he will get off a little earlier than others.  We will take it in stride and make do!

That vacation week came at the perfect time for us as a couple and family.  Jimmy has been so intentional about being more patient with me (I'm kind of a micro manager...working on it!).  He has been an incredible husband and went above and beyond for my birthday.  For someone that has been working so much I didn't expect everything he did but I thank the Lord for a good man :)  Grace and I send daily pictures to daddy upon request and just for fun.  For example, when Grace and I were out of town, I sent him this funny story:

"Your daughter wanted to go into the changing room with me at a store.  When I was changing, she hopped down out of her chair, opened the curtain (which divided the changing rooms) and said "peek-a-boo!" to the person in the changing room right next to mine."  Fortunately the girl wasn't changing...haha.  Classic Grace.

Grace Update:
Interests: Still Mickey Mouse, painting outside with water, jumping
Firsts: More school firsts, flying a kite, Krispy Kreme, first pony tail
Funny Story: besides the story above about the changing room...Grace has really caught on!  She knows that we give her warnings when it is time to go somewhere or even to bed by saying, "Grace you have a couple more minutes".  I told her it was time to take a nap the other day and she said, "couple mins" haha.
Developmental Notes for future reference:
Letters: Grace knows all of her letters and will site them out of order with her flashcards
Numbers:  She knows most of her numbers up to 10 by sight.  We are starting to count past 10.
Shapes:  Getting square, rectangle and triangle mixed up some.  Will be looking for ideas to help correct this.  Overall she does great.
Little Learners curriculum:  We are on "L" week and are really enjoying it!  I am learning along with Grace.

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