Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kristen's 27th Birthday!

Grace and I went to Columbia, SC to kick-off my birthday celebration.  Jimmy was working the whole weekend so it was good for us to get away.  I got spoiled with clothes, purses, good food and of course my traditional ice cream cake from Coldstone!

After church on Sunday, I came home to some treats!  Here was one: Jimmy planned out a romantic home cooked meal.  I figured he would be exhausted from working so take out would have been fine with me.  I sure do love my man!

Lucky the lobster; before

Lucky the lobster; after (poor lucky!)

It was delicious!

You know it's not normal when I don't mention the Cloers for a few blog posts :)  This was specially delivered to me for my birthday from them...SOOO yummmy!

Thankful for 27 years of life and for everyone that made my birthday extra special :)

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