Monday, April 1, 2013

Announcing Baby Turner #2!!

Most people thought it was an April Fool's joke but it's real!  We are pregnant with baby #2!  Our ultrasound just happened to fall on April 1 which is also my aunt's birthday AND the day Jimmy and I started dating 6 years ago.  I guess you could say it was fitting that the ultrasound fell on this special day.  I am 9 weeks pregnant right now.

We are due November 4th and couldn't be happier!  Here is what we have kept secret so far...

We are working on the background shot so bare with us...I am trying to include our cute curtains but it isn't working!

Grace has known about the "baby in mommy's belly" for a few weeks.  One day I asked her what was in my belly and she said, "a baby sister".  Haha...we won't know that much for about 9 more weeks.

Momma Update (I plan on including this in any preggo updates)

Feeling: Decent.  The 7th week was the worst...I felt nauseous and threw up once.  Zophran seemed to do the trick for me and I have been better since then.  I do feel tired most days so it's a good thing I have a good little napper!
Looking: Like I am more pregnant than 9 weeks!  I thought I might have been pregnant with twins...glad we can come out and tell everyone we are preggo with one because I can't hide it any longer!
Eating: Mostly carbs. 
Craving: Brown rice California sushi rolls from Whole Foods.  Good thing that's the only sushi you are allowed to have when pregnant!  
Detesting: Meat.  Mostly chicken. This happened when I was pregnant with Grace.
Trying: To keep working out doing my spin/gym classes.  I have had to skip some due to not feeling great.

We are so thankful for the gift of life and the blessing of becoming pregnant with another baby.  You can pray for our family and especially the little peanut growing and getting bigger each day.  May he/she have a healthy vacation inside of momma's belly!

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