Thursday, April 4, 2013

Letter "N" Week

"N" is for noodle painting!  Grace was more interested in finger painting but it was still good to expose her to a new type of art.

Look at that cute ponytail!  I just love this little lady.

"N" is for nest!  Nest was the word for the ABC book and we made one out of pine straw.  I had some candy eggs left over from Easter that worked out nicely for a treat.

"N" is for night.  We talked about the day sky and night sky and Grace even illustrated some of it.

"N" is for number review: hopscotch style!  I called out a number and Grace had to go jump on it...she has come a long way with her numbers!  She found all the numbers correctly!  

If it involves jumping, Grace loves it!  It looks like she is about to fall but surprisingly she lands on her feet.

"N" is for NEW activity: I put shaving cream on the glass door outside and let Grace explore.  Miss Priss didn't want to get her hands "sticky" so I grabbed some paint brushes and let her play that way.  I am not sure where that picture went.

"N" is for new baby!  We will be welcoming our second child into this world around November 4th!

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