Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 Weeks

Guess I wrote too much on the board this week because it's hard to read!

It says:  
Baby is: size of a prune, 1 inch long, bending arms, forming teeth
Family Feelings:
Daddy: thinks mommy is very "moody" and he laughs at her...a lot.
Mommy: is ready for the second trimester!
Grace: thinks she is getting a baby sister.

Momma Update

Feeling: Better by the day.  I am not feeling nearly as nauseous which is encouraging.  I am also able to eat more of a variety of food but still steer clear of certain meats.  I still have my days where I am pretty worn out like last night when I fell asleep on the couch before 7.
Looking: For some spring/summer maternity workout pants/capris...someone give me a tip they know where I can get some good ones!  I may need a pair or two of maternity jogging shorts...yikes!  I will have to run real fast so no one has to see that :)
Eating: Healthier foods!  Fruits, veggies and light snacks.  When I was pregnant with Grace I didn't make good food choices and gave into every bad craving (and they were all bad!).   This time I feel better choosing healthier options although I still have to indulge in some chips here and there.  No matter how much I eat I am still having to eat pretty often so the healthier options make me feel better!
Craving: No current cravings...just preferences.  I'm sure they will come...poor Jimmy hehe.  It has been hard to plan out my meals by the week like I usually do because it seems like each day only one thing sounds good.
Detesting: One side effect of pregnancy: constipation.  Sorry for the extra info but it made me bloated, looking bigger than I really am. 
Trying: To get back in the swing of things.  Last week was Spring Break so I didn't have work.  We are close to the second trimester...I think I can...I think I can...

1 comment:

  1. bahahahah!! I love how you just told us you were constipated!! stool softeners baby :)
