Monday, April 15, 2013

Grace turns 2!!

Our sweet angel that we feel like was born just yesterday turned TWO today.  What a month it has been.  Her birthday party was Saturday and those pictures will come in another post.  We are so incredibly thankful that God has blessed Grace with two healthy years of life.  She is a our precious baby girl and always will be!

Prepping for the Masters

Lindsay, David and I ran in the Color fun!

School days

"Sharing" with the dogs

Hanging with baby Gray

Silly girl

Brooke's birthday party (they are 11 days apart)

Cinnamon rolls courtesy Mrs. Watkins

Playing school with Ellory

Easter basket 1/4 haha

Easter egg hunt 1/3

Happy Easter to our love!  She knows Jesus lives in heaven and that's about as deep as it gets right now :)

Uncle Linton and Aunt Cindy

Memere and Pepere

Not a baby anymore...

Sunny days

Birthday bath!  Balloons, red water and a new Mickey washcloth and towel from Memere and Pepere

New Cozy Coupe 

New bubble lawnmower

Our little girl is a toddler.  I would probably cry even if I wasn't pregnant...

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