Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Letter "P" Week

I feel like this letter lasted longer than a week...oh wait, that's because I was a slacker :)  We had a lot going on so we took our time with this letter.

"P" is for puzzles!  

This puzzle is one of my favorites because it teaches basic skills like opening latches, unhooking things and it's fun to watch Grace problem solve.  We have another basic skills board that I love because kids can practice zipping, clipping, buttoning and lacing.

"P" is for paper plate pizza!  Grace colored the cheese and I cut out the pepperoni and olives.  I started by putting glue on for her but she wanted to do it herself and surprisingly, she did well!  I guess she's growing up...

"P" is for pretty picture!  Grace hadn't colored in almost two weeks (sometimes I like to take breaks from things so they seem like new) so she spent a long time coloring this picture all by herself.  She has started drawing zig zag lines and swirls.  If I draw shapes on a page she will color "inside" of them for the most part. We are working on coloring inside of objects with different colors.

"P" is for pretend play.  Grace is at that age where pretend play is so obvious in her day to day life.  It's crazy how they learn to do this...I didn't teach her...they just do it.  We had a pretend tea party with Minnie, the Lorax and a stuffed cat.

Sensory bag: I filled a gallon ziploc bag with ketchup and we used it as a drawing mat.

At first Grace kept squishing the bag up...

Then she realized you could "draw" things.  I drew a smiley face for her and she kind of caught on after that. We'll try it again soon.

"P" is for play-doh.  It had been awhile since we pulled this out so she had fun for awhile with it.  She likes for me to roll up the play-doh into balls and switches them back and forth between cups.

"P" is for pretzel!  My friend, Erin, gave me a great homemade pretzel recipe that I intended on making but I didn't get around to it...yet.  I have made pretzels before and the cool thing is you can shape them into anything you want.

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