Monday, April 29, 2013

Letter "Q" Week

It was Q week in our house and I bet you were thinking, "What is she going to do with this letter?"  Pinterest in your answer.  I get almost ALL of my craft, activity, snack and sensory ideas from people on Pinterest.  There are some fabulous websites linked to Pinterest so please check out my "Pre School Board" for Grace!

"Q" is for Queen.  We cut a crown out of aluminum foil and glued it on a queen's head I drew for her alphabet page. Speaking of which, here is an example of what we do every week when we add a new alphabet page to the book and start another letter:

"Q" is for q-tip painting.  This was SUCH a fun activity!  Grace loved it so much we spent about 30 minutes doing it and then there were still tears because she didn't want to stop.

She has come a long way with coloring/painting inside of smaller objects.

I put it away and she wanted me to pull it back out...

So I did and we painted on a large sheet of paper some more.

Matching: She has become quite independent and wanted t put the tops on.  I realized she was matching colors and she also wanted to do this with the markers.  I'll have to let her clean up more often because she doesn't realize she is learning!

Just regular masking tape.

"Q" is for quarter!  GASP...I used coins with a toddler??  Yes, I did.  This was my brother's and he gave it to me a few years ago.  I wasn't sure what to do with it and then it hit me!  I pulled out all the quarters from each state and Grace put them all in her piggy bank.  Perfectly safe as I was sitting there with her and explained what we were doing...she didn't even try to put one in her mouth.

"Q" book...the only one I could find in her library.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a good book to use with all the letters as it goes through the alphabet.

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