Monday, April 29, 2013

12 Weeks

Well, on Tuesday I'll be 13 weeks so I'm closer to that but I had an unexpected 12 week ultrasound picture to share so we'll stick with 12 weeks in this post.

I went to Lyndhurst last Monday thinking I was just having some lab work done but apparently they also do ultrasounds at 12 weeks.  The nurse explained they just started this in the past few years (which would explain why I didn't have one when I was pregnant with Grace).  They do an ultrasound and lab work because it's more accurate with genetic testing.  I was happy to have some more pictures of our little one...check out how much peanut has grown:

9 weeks

12 weeks!

Feeling: Great!  So blessed to only have had a few weeks of yuck-ness.  I did get sick once yesterday (only the second time) but felt better after Jimmy took me to the Bagel Station :)  I also have more energy now so I am happy to almost be out of the 1st trimester.
Looking: forward to my next appointment on May 1st.  It's actually a doctor's appointment (no lab work) and I am pretty sure we'll schedule the gender ultrasound which we are already looking forward to (I think we are having a boy...Jimmy and Grace think we are having a girl).  
Eating: Less.  I don't have food preferences or cravings like I did a few weeks ago.  There are things I'd rather have certain days but I'm always like that.  I am able to eat meat (even some chicken) and pretty much anything else now.  I also get filled up really fast all of a sudden.  Trying to listen to my body so I don't go crazy!
Craving: Nothing really except I am loving some banana popsicles.  So thankful Food Lion sells them by the bag!
Trying: To start a plan for Grace where I will make something or buy little things for her so that when baby arrives she'll get some "gifts" or activities a few times a week and feel special too.  I am going to research it and start planning.

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