Sunday, May 5, 2013

Letter "R" Week

It seems as if I veered away from my ideas/plans and we ended up doing some random things but then again...this is "R" week, right? :)

"R" is for rainbow!  We did A LOT of rainbow activities this week.

Rainbow healthy snack

Rainbow craft

Rainbow water observation

Grace sat and watched me change all of the clear water to the rainbow colors (minus purple and indigo).

After we finished the observation, I wondered if it would work to paint with the water...

It did!

And she LOVED it.

I painted the R :)  

This girl sure loves to paint!

Finished product (after much drying time outside).

Motor skill: catch
Daddy taught Grace to catch several months ago and they practiced some more, here.  It's so good to teach your child skills like this even if it isn't with a ball all the time!

"R" is for race car!  A super easy and healthy snack!

"R" is for reading readiness!  Haha...I am not teaching Grace to read...yet.  But since she knows her letters and some letter sounds I decided it's time to start having her identify and match upper/lowercase letters.  I know we have practiced lowercase letters but I thought she would struggle.  She actually could identify the matching ones so I was pleasantly surprised.

I tried this...but it didn't work.  She could pull off the d and h on command but if I asked her to match them to the uppercase letter it didn't work quite yet.

Home girl put the word "so" on the fridge by herself.  Now, I know she can't spell and it was a coincidence but I was still proud :)  We are going to start memorizing small site words soon; if she can memorize bible verses, I don't think it's a stretch to do smaller words.

"R" is for reading!  One of Grace's favorite things.

"R" is for our review wall!  We have been adding to it and Grace looks at/interacts with it everyday.  The colors came down for a few weeks and we used them as flashcards which really seemed to help.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristen! I would love to know more about how you introduce and structure these activities. Do you have a certain time of the day when you do them? I've been thinking about adding some structured learning to Sam's day but not sure where to start.
