"S" is for spider! This didn't turn out exactly how I would have liked as she kept putting her fingers together but Grace had fun, so mission accomplished!
She loves to paint so much that we usually have to get out a big sheet of white roll paper (IKEA) and let her continue arts/crafts time.
"S" is for sun! There is a cute picture for a sailboat snack with cheese and an apple on my Pinterest pre-school board.
Letter Practice: I would hold up the plate and ask her where the letter "H" or "S" was and she was able to point to them. She knows her letters well so we are going to start letters sounds in the near future. You can narrow it down to a few letters at a time if having all of them at once is too much. If it doesn't really work for you...then you have only wasted a paper plate...not too bad :)
What you need for homemade slime!
"S" is for slime!
It is made out of glue, water and detergent booster...so it's pretty much scent free AND clean fun! Nothing sticks to your hands (I already had some stuck to my hand from a 1st attempt fail for not following directions).
I wasn't sure if our little priss would get her hands dirty. She usually says, "It's ticky" when we do a messy craft and wants to use a spoon instead of her hands.
But she LOVED it once I told her it was like play-doh.
It does stick to some fabric so that's why the dress is MIA here. This lasted a long time! Daddy even joined in on the fun.
"S" is for spray bottle. This is a great motor skill activity and fun for kids. You just fill it with water and let them spray the car, cement, house...whatever!

"S" is for styrofoam sensory bin. We didn't get any to try but you could put some in a bin or box with hidden objects and let your little one explore.
"S" is for silly! We love our sweet and silly girl.
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