Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013: A lunch visit at the hospital with Jimmy and some throw back pictures

Jimmy has been working A LOT and we have really missed him.  I woke up kind of sad that he wasn't home for Father's Day.  Then, we found out he had a break and we could go meet him for lunch at the hospital!  Grace has mixed feeling about the hospital; on one hand, she likes it because of helicopter that lands there but on the other hand the last time she was there we were in the Peds ED with a broken arm.  So, you can understand her dilemma :)

Anyways, I was happy we got to go meet daddy and he took us to the Brenner's Children's play area outside.  As we were enjoying each other's company, I kept noticing sick children come in and out of the playground.  They were all with their families and seemed to be so happy.  Some of them were hooked up to IVs and couldn't play but just sat and talked with family.  Conviction.  It hit me hard.  I realized how grateful they were to be together or to even get a breath of fresh air.  It made me feel really selfish for feeling they way I have been feeling lately about Jimmy being gone so much.  At least we are healthy and able to go about our daily lives even when some days are lazier than others.  So, this father's day we are grateful to have each other even though we weren't together for the whole day.

Hospitals have playgrounds??  Why didn't I know this sooner?  Thinks Grace.

What an awesome daddy to spend his lunch break doing this on Father's Day :)

Pretty awesome view

Happy Father's Day 2013 "Daggy"!  She doesn't really smile in pictures, especially when there is a slide in the background.

Grace's gift to Jimmy

My gift to Jimmy.  I was pretty proud.  If you know Jimmy then you know how fitting this t-shirt gift is.  He loves to brew some beer and was a Chemistry major in college (hence the letters from the periodic table).  Gotta love Etsy!

Throw back Father's Day pics :)  It's Jimmy's last Father's Day of one child!

The birth of Grace has brought out the best in Jimmy!  He is one amazing father and loves her dearly.  I can't wait for Wesley to be born to experience the gift of life all over again.

There's nothing like seeing your own father with your daughter :)  Pepere loves his Grace and I think it's safe to say she adores him.

Jimmy's dad goes by grandpa to Grace.  She hasn't seen him a whole lot but she knows who he is and loves him, too!

 The pictures above are from around Jimmy's second Father's Day.  We were at the beach and the picture on the right is my favorite of Grace and my dad.

Thinking about all of those that don't have their fathers with them this Father's Day.  It's a good thing we have a Heavenly Father that watches over us and has given us the lives we have been blessed to be a part of for however long they are with us!

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