Saturday, June 15, 2013

Toddlerhood: May-June

This month started with a trip to Columbia for Grace and I.  We went to help Memere set up for Millie's baby shower.  Millie and I grew up together...we were in each other's wedding...she and her mother threw a baby shower for me when I was preggo with Grace so we go way back!
Picture (left to right): Me, Mrs. Green (Millie's mom), My mom, Millie, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Karelitz

Grace made an appearance at the shower.  Pepere took her to the back room to "watch" her during the shower which was helpful although I think she watched him more than he watched her, haha.

Helping Memere feed the birds...we love Memere and Pepere's backyard mainly for the pool.

1st haircut!  Memere trimmed up her curls.

Playing drums after sorting utensils

Interested in our pretty flowers!

Helping Brooke drive the cozy coupe

TV break...the only time these two are still!

"Hi, Ellory!"

My crazy, sorting monster :)

Memorial Day cookout with the neighbors!

Typical Kristen-Jimmy shot

Grace was loving some chips and salsa...sorry for the triple dipping everyone!

Pool time with Brookie

My neighbor and friend, Jessica, and I trade time with the kiddos while has been home.  It's nice to go and get your hair done or a filling without kids :)

Billy Graham Center in Charlotte, NC.  We went to Huntersville to spend a few nights with the James family since we had a wedding in town on Saturday night.

That long line in the picture above?  It's because of this family: the Duggars!  They had a book signing.  We were in line but it would have been wayyyy to long to wait.  Sorry Liz!  

Rachel (Liz's sister), Myself and Liz
*Liz is due September 15th!  We were roommates in college and still keep up with each other almost weekly.  I am excited to have such a close due date to her.

Grace found something to entertain herself and everyone else at the James' house.

Wedding Date :) 

Beautiful wedding for the beautiful Hernandez couple :)  We had a great time celebrating Lauren and Hermes' wedding.  Jimmy and Hermes went to medical school together and he is in Winston for his residency as well.

We also found out we are having a boy!  I posted about it already but wanted to put it in this "month" post.  We can't wait to meet Wesley Michael Turner!  The nursery decorations have already commenced and the registry is complete.  I did it all online and it was much easier that way.

Jimmy Residency Update:
Most of you probably saw when I posted this on facebook.  This is a GREAT image that shows you how residency has been the past month.  Exhausting...for everyone.

Jimmy finished up the MICU and not soon enough.  The hours were awful: 6-8/9 p.m. everyday.  He got off early some days but really didn't have many "off" days which made the month drag on.  We sure miss having weekends together!  I won't ever take that for granted again.  Even though Grace and I keep pretty busy, it was still hard to have such long days without daddy.  The worst part was Jimmy and Grace didn't really get to see each other since she goes to bed at 7/7:30.

Now Jimmy is on Peds (pediatrics)...his LAST rotation of intern year!!!!  We are overly excited.  This rotation has been a slight improvement from the MICU since he doesn't work until 9 p.m. but he still works pretty long days.  The days seem longer since my work has slowed down (end of the afterschool program).  I still will be working for the same company doing teacher training and working on a commercialization project that should be starting soon.  What keeps us all going is that Jimmy has a vacation week the end of this month and we cannot WAIT!!  

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