Thursday, June 13, 2013

Letter "W" more week to go!!

I know there are three more letters in the alphabet BUT we combined the last three into one week and will just make the week a little bit longer.  By this point in the curriculum most kids will already know their letters and it's time to wrap it up!

"W" is for world!  Well, the world craft we did.  We didn't talk about the world necessarily but I couldn't resist this cute craft from Pinterest and now we know a new song.  Remember singing this one in Sunday school?

Random fun baking activity that has nothing to do with the letter W!  It was Jimmy's last week of MICU and I let Grace choose a snack to bake for him.  Catch the theme?  :)

"W" is for water fun!  Aunt Kristin (Jimmy's sister) sent this to Grace for her birthday.  It's a bathtub crayon and water color changing tablets you can mix to make any color you'd like.  We use them in the pool as well.

There are so many items you can throw in the bathtub for fun!  A strainer is one of Grace's favorites.  Dollar Tree fun...

"W" is for work!  I was deep cleaning and Grace wanted to help.  I gave her a Clorox wipe and she turned into Monica from Friends.  Liz understands, I'm sure :)  Monica was such a clean freak that she got caught hand vacuuming her larger vacuum because she is so OCD.  

More work...utensil sorting.  This was one of the few ways she actually was helpful when cleaning.

"W" is for wind blowing.  We blew through straws to move pom poms around the floor.  You can also do this with paint...if you blow paint around a sheet of paper it makes a pretty cool Jackson Pollock-y painting. Any art majors out there?  That was one name I remembered from my art class...

Matching Game: Have I mentioned how much I love the Dollar Tree?  I found this cool matching game that you can turn into a memory game once your learner advances past regular matching.

Dice are GREAT with practicing numbers.  There is a popular math method out there right now called "subitizing" where you teach kids numbers through symbols like these dots.  I am not an expert on the topic but it basically helps with number sense.

"W" is for watermelon...our FAVORITE fruit of the summer!  Thought I would spare you a picture of us eating it.  We go through two a that bad?

"W" is for wedding!  We went to stay with the James family this weekend and they watched Grace while Jimmy and I went to a wedding.  His friend, Hermes, from medical school got married to Lauren.  They have asked us over so many times and we haven't been able to go so we look forward to hanging out with them very soon!  The wedding was beautiful and SO much fun!!

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