Saturday, June 1, 2013

Letter "V" Week

Some weeks are shorter than others for us as far as the preschooling goes.  I usually only spend four days on the letter of the week.  Know that we don't sit down for an hour need to gradually introduce your learner to sitting for short periods of time.  Depending on the activity, Grace can stay focused for 15-20 minutes...DEPENDING on the activity that is :)  She has grown so much over the course of this curriculum and I can't wait to report at the end how much she has changed and developed into a little learner!

"V" is for vest!  We wrestled with the word to use for this letter...I think we originally were going to use velvet but figured that was too abstract of a concept for a 1-2 year old.  Vest works fine as it is a shorter word and we just used felt to make one.  You can pull out real vests from your closet to let your learner try on for fun.

"V" is for vase.  This was a SUPER fun activity.  You use a toilet paper roll and cut flaps to bend back and make flower petals.  Then you dip it in paint and use it as a stamp.  Grace enjoyed the activity probably because it was short and sweet.   As always, she wanted to continue the activity so I had some extra paper handy.

"V" is for volcano lava cake!  I actually thought of this one on my own since the only other snack I could come up with even after researching was vegetables.  I figured it would be silly to post a picture of Grace eating vegetables even though she LOVES them.

This snack was SOOOO good and just as easy to make!  The link to the recipe is below.

 This is what it looked like after baking.  I didn't have chocolate bar squares or whatever it called for so I used chocolate chips and it was fine!

We tried a big girl painting activity this week.  Usually we use finger paint or some other substance for art time.  When I was getting some construction paper at Target, I saw this paint and figured it was time for a step up!  Also, Grace wasn't developmentally ready for paintbrushes when we started this curriculum.  She loved it and it was great motor skill practice.
*I would encourage you to only use a few colors at a time and to put them in a separate container or on a paper plate so your learner doesn't mix all the paint colors up in their original tubes.  We used a paper plate and she wanted a lot of colors this first time.  Daddy helped with the painting in case you notice the stick figure.

"V" is for vegetable of course!  There are some cool ideas on Pinterest about things to do with vegetables.  In my dream world we would have planted a vegetable garden but we just never got around to it.   One day I'l have one!

Proof this curriculum works!  Grace wanted to play with her blocks so I opened the bag and then left the room for a minute.  I could hear her saying, "yellow, bu (blue) and red" over and over.  I came back in to find that she had sorted the three colors and stacked them all by herself!  Jimmy calls her his little sorting monster now :)  So proud of her!

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