Sunday, May 26, 2013

Letter "U" Week

"U" is for umbrella!

One-to-one correspondence: Shortly after Grace learned to count on her own, I started modeling how to count objects.  This is a great activity to teach one to one correspondence which children really need to be able to do to understand numbers.  She needed guidance of course but did a good job of lining up the pom poms in the boxes.

We only did the first page but you can use the second page for a challenge.

Letter "U" identification: I just made a document with a bunch of upper and lowercase letters.  I started by pointing to different letters and asked Grace what they were.  Then I circled the U with a crayon and we went through the rows looking for U's.  She actually identified the U's on her own but towards the end just wanted to color so it's a good thing I had some paper handy :)

"U" is for utensil sorting!  I asked her to sort the spoon and forks. She paused and then started picking up all of the spoons!  

I think she thought she was getting away with something since I let her use the "adult" silverware.

I mixed in some of her utensils.

Then the sorting turned into a drum fun!  I love teaching her because she is such a creative and fun student :)

"U" week is supposed to be the week we do rainy weather (whoops...I did it last week).  But no fear, we did this rain/umbrella craft anyways.  Basically you use fingerprints for the raindrops.

Using the empty play-doh containers, Grace created her own game.  I roll up the play-doh into balls and she likes to dump them from cup to cup.  It's a great developmental game if you ask me :)

I found this number play-doh kit at Marshalls and we have used it a ton!  I stamped some numbers into the play-doh and Grace was able to tell me what the numbers were (most of the time).  The more creative exposure to letters, shapes and numbers, the more success you'll have since kids have different learning styles.

"U" is for underwear!  Ahh!  I was at Target about to buy some more diapers when I stopped myself and realized that I was going to potty train her this summer anyways, so why buy new diapers?  I went ahead and got her big girl undies, flush-able wipes, pull-ups for nighttime and M&Ms for rewards.  I just need to make a chart now :)

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