Thursday, May 23, 2013

16 Weeks

Feeling: So happy to be in my second trimester!  I have felt awesome!  I almost forget I am pregnant since I am not really feeling kicking or sickness...then I look down and am reminded :)
Looking: in my closet each day makes me happy because friends have given me super cute maternity clothes and my mom has taken me shopping two times at this point...needless to say, it's fun to choose my cute maternity outfit each day.  
Eating: is back to normal.  I actually am not eating as often or as much...I get full quickly.
Craving: Pepsi sometimes :)
Trying: to be good about drinking water.  I am only drinking soda every few days if that...water and I didn't get along the last pregnancy mostly because I was teaching and too busy to sip all day.  

We find out what we are having on June 7th!

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