Monday, July 1, 2013

18-22 Weeks

18.5 weeks: It's a BOY!  I didn't take a picture with my board but this one will do :)  Especially since my last posted picture was at 16 weeks...I didn't want to floor anyone with my belly progression at 22 weeks.

22 Weeks!  Still pretty much all belly.  Hoping it stays that way since it didn't stay that way with Grace :)

Feeling: Wonderful!  I am blessed with easy going pregnancies.  After working out I have a lower left back pain (I forget the word Jimmy used) sometimes but usually a little rest and stretching does the trick.
Looking: forward to the end of summer!  Fortunately it really hasn't been too bad with all of the scattered storms keeping things bearable. I also look more preggo than I am...but rest assured, the DOCTOR told me that's normal since it's my second baby and I had a c-section with my first.  That's supposed to make me feel better about myself I think...hehe.
Eating: I hit a "growth spurt" in this department.  All of a sudden at like week 20 I got extra hungry.  I indulged in some sweet treats but thank God for watermelon and yummy summer fruits to do the trick most of the time!
Craving: Chips and salsa but really I don't have NEAR the cravings I had with Grace
Trying: to get organized for when Wesley gets here.  We I chose a paint color (there were a lot of shades to choose from so I just showed Jimmy what I liked...he's a good hubby!) for the nursery, my mom bought the bedding and my aunt Cindy bought some navy curtains and a cute lamp for the room.  Cindy is also getting the glider recovered since it was pink.  I can't WAIT to see it!  Also, I have been buying little toys/gifts here and there and stashing them away for Grace.  I want Wesley to "gift" her these things when he is born so she feels special and appreciated by him even though he won't have a clue what's going on.  They will be "thank you for being such a good big sis" gifts and I think she'll be fine with it :)

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