Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Family/Friend Vacation to Asheville, N.C.

Jimmy had a week off at the end of June (last vacation week of intern year) so we wanted to plan a vacation.  It worked out that we got to go to Asheville, NC from Monday-Saturday.  It was just the three of us until Wednesday, when the Cloers joined us.  We stayed in a free mountain house more than half of the week which was a blessing and a big reason we went to the mountains.  After fishing for ideas from friends, we ended up with a long list of things to do!

Highly recommend!  This was is in Arden, NC which is near Asheville.  It was nice to have an indoor place to go to.

Grace kind of had a ball :)

In the doctor room learning how to look in people's ears

She was overly excited to have daddy around for a whole week!

The first house had an air hockey table.  These two were fun to watch.  Grace liked scoring on herself and Jimmy likes winning, so they were a good match.

Awesome outdoor wildlife park!

"Hi doggy"  (except it's a wolf)

Blue Ridge Parkway overlook

Fun and short family hike

Fun pit stop near Chimney Rock

Aunt Lulu and Uncle David

Yummy place we stumbled across (not in Asheville but near Chimney Rock)

People come from all over for these cinnamon rolls...now we know why!

My morning walking buddy :)  She liked to throw the rocks (especially after watching the boys skip rocks in the river).

We didn't go into the park but had to get a pic!

Lindsay and I took a shopping morning to the Biltmore Villages.  I HIGHLY recommend the restaurant called Fig.  Everything about it was amazing.

The boys went on a brew tour one afternoon.  After Grace's nap we killed some time at this HUGE Barnes and Noble before meeting the boys at Doc Chey's (delicious restaurant in downtown Asheville).

She's a book worm for sure!

We spent one afternoon at Lake Lure.  Never have I ever been to a lake with a more gorgeous view!  Part of the movie Dirty Dancing was filmed in this town!

Can't beat the morning and evening views on a porch in the "mounkins" as Grace would call them :)

We had a GREAT time!  Grace was worn out and we were happy to get home to get settled in for Jimmy's second year of residency.

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