Tuesday, July 16, 2013

ER Visit #2

Here is Grace, calmly enjoying the cartoons at 3:30 a.m. in the morning at the Pediatric Emergency Department.  This was her second visit as she broke her arm around this time last year.  Hopefully this will be our last visit!

Around 2:45 a.m. Sunday morning we heard her on the monitor.  We thought she was crying so Jimmy went to check on her.  I turned the monitor up and realized she wasn't crying so I went into the room to see what was going on.  She was gasping for breaths of air.  Jimmy said she probably had a viral infection going on and he was pretty sure by the sound of it what it was and told me to go get changed so we could take her to the ER.  I didn't have a panic moment...probably because he was home and he wasn't panicking.  We grabbed her bag, changed and headed to the hospital.

Once we got the hospital she was sounding better but she was still given a steroid called Dextron (I think).  They listened to her lungs and heard a little bit of wheezing but decided she didn't need anything else.  The doctor that was working was Dr. Kunz (my friend, Holly's husband whom Grace knows which was SUCH a blessing!).  They got us in and out in an hour so that was really nice.

Diagnosis: Croup
Croup is a viral upper respiratory infection that can cause the airways to inflame hence her gasping for air in the middle of the night.  Typically you have fever and cough accompanied with it but Grace had neither.  She has developed a cough since then and is supposed to stay away from other kids for several days.

We are glad our baby girl is okay!  Middle of the night scares are not fun.  Thankful for a daddy that is a doctor and all of the people he knows in the hospital for taking extra good care of us!

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