Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Family Time in Columbia, SC

Grace and I traveled to Columbia, SC (where I grew up) to have a fun family weekend.  We were celebrating family born in July: my mom and Uncle Linton AND family being in town from up north.  My dad's brother, Frank and his wife, Katy were down for the week.  I hadn't seen them since our wedding four years ago so needless to say there was a lot of catching up to be done!

My dad calls his backyard the "Gracien Beach Resort" and it sure is!  We went swimming three times and Graced wanted everyone to, "please go under".

Grace is a fearless land creature but you get her in the water and she is a big scaredy cat :)  She hasn't had swimming lessons yet but she was brave going out into the deeper water with Pepere.

More braveness from Grace with her Memere.

Speaking of brave: poor Chip.  We got Chip when I was 15 years old...yep, that makes him 12 years old.  He just laid there and let Grace do whatever she wanted.  Don't worry, we all caught her bringing him bones on multiple occasions so he was treated better than we thought :)

Grace kept saying, "Memere, please come up!"  What a good Memere for going up the stairs and down the slides at the park.

Skyping with Uncle Jordan in California.

Hey, Uncle Jordan!  Grace kept fist bumping with him on the screen, haha.

Our joint birthday family celebration...phew y'all...we were ALL stuffed.

Happy Birthday to Uncle Linton and Mom!

The icing is Grace's favorite part...guess she is mine :)

It was so good seeing the family, especially Uncle Frank and Aunt Katy!

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