Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Love U More

Sometimes I put notes in Jimmy's lunch and sometimes he surprises me with date nights.  Lately, the only surprise we have had time/energy for is going to bed a few minutes earlier than expected.  Admist all of this, I am pregnant (and emotional) and Jimmy is tired so it kind of makes for the perfect storm.  Even though we have our "tiffs" we love each other dearly; more and more each day.  

I spelt "I Love U" in band-aids (we are in a band-aid stage right now with Grace) on the bathroom counter one night before I got into bed because, well, I do!  I wanted that to be the first thing he saw when he woke up on his call day.  I woke up the same morning to find my note had been tampered with :)

I write this post mainly to document it for future reference since I print my blog off into a book each year.  I want us to look back on this time and know that we "still go it" as I texted him :)  Usually it's the little things that help you press on when life gets busy.  It sure made me smile ear to ear and what better way to wake up?

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